是什么导致错误“HAVING 的参数必须是布尔类型,而不是货币类型”,我该如何解决?


错误:HAVING 的参数必须是布尔类型,而不是货币类型



CREATE TABLE customers (
    id integer PRIMARY KEY,first_name varchar(50),surname varchar(50),country varchar(200),email varchar(100) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO customers
VALUES (1,'Mohamed','M','UK','momu@gmail.com');

INSERT INTO customers
VALUES (2,'Hass','H','hass@gmail.com');

INSERT INTO customers
VALUES (9,'Zaza','Z','zaza@gmail.com');


CREATE TABLE store_products (
    id integer PRIMARY KEY,name varchar(100),type varchar(50),description text,price money,quantity integer

INSERT INTO store_products
VALUES (1,'Portable Chain Saw','Garden Tools','cant be asked for now LOREMIPSON',21.00,500);

INSERT INTO store_products 
VALUES (3,'Waterproof USB Plasma Lighter','Ignitions','For all you cool smokers look even cooler with the Plasma ARC lighter',41.70,3000);

INSERT INTO store_products 
VALUES (4,'Digital Multimeter','Measurement Tools','Work Safely with this Multimeter',39.24,333);

INSERT INTO store_products 
VALUES (5,'Cordless Screwdriver','Hand Tools','Get the job done just quicker',97.20,248);

INSERT INTO store_products 
VALUES (6,'Rustic Wooden Wall','Storage','Hang,Hang and Hang AWAY!!',19.35,995);


CREATE TABLE ordered_items (
    customers_id integer REFERENCES customers (id),store_products_id integer REFERENCES store_products (id),PRIMARY KEY (customers_id,store_products_id),quantity integer,order_date date

INSERT INTO ordered_items
VALUES (1,4,2,'2020,09,05');

UPDATE store_products
SET quantity = quantity - (SELECT quantity FROM ordered_items WHERE ordered_items.store_products_id = 4)
WHERE id = 4;

INSERT INTO ordered_items
VALUES (1,5,1,05');

UPDATE store_products
SET quantity = quantity - (SELECT quantity FROM ordered_items WHERE store_products_id = 5 AND customers_id = 1)
WHERE id = 5;

INSERT INTO ordered_items
VALUES (2,25');

UPDATE store_products
SET quantity = quantity - (SELECT quantity FROM ordered_items WHERE store_products_id = 1 AND customers_id = 2)
WHERE id = 1;

INSERT INTO ordered_items
VALUES (2,3,10,25');

UPDATE store_products
SET quantity = quantity - (SELECT quantity FROM ordered_items WHERE store_products_id = 3 AND customers_id = 2)
WHERE id = 3;

INSERT INTO ordered_items
VALUES (9,6,20,'2021,01,04');

UPDATE store_products
SET quantity = quantity - (SELECT quantity FROM ordered_items WHERE store_products_id = 6 AND customers_id = 9)
WHERE id = 6;

当客户同时在商店购买一件商品时,我减去了他们在商店中的原始数量。比如说,如果他们有 100 个苹果,而顾客买了 5 个,那么商店还剩下 95 个苹果。到目前为止,这一切都很好。示例:

UPDATE store_products
SET quantity = quantity - (SELECT quantity FROM ordered_items WHERE store_products_id = 6 AND customers_id = 9)
WHERE id = 6;


错误:HAVING 的参数必须是布尔类型,而不是货币类型


-- If I put it as WHERE clause I get the same
--- ERROR:  argument of WHERE must be type boolean,not type money
-- this is the WHERE query 

SELECT customers.first_name || ' ' || customers.surname AS customer_name,SUM(ordered_items.quantity) AS number_of_items_bought,SUM(store.price) AS final_price
    FROM customers
    JOIN ordered_items
        ON ordered_items.customers_id = customers.id
    JOIN store_products AS store
        ON store.id = ordered_items.store_products_id
    WHERE store.price * ordered_items.quantity
    GROUP BY 1;

-- AND here is my HAVING Clause same problem
-- ERROR:  argument of HAVING must be type boolean,not type money

SELECT customers.first_name || ' ' || customers.surname AS customer_name,SUM(store.price) AS final_price
    FROM customers
    JOIN ordered_items
        ON ordered_items.customers_id = customers.id
    JOIN store_products AS store
        ON store.id = ordered_items.store_products_id
    GROUP BY 1
    HAVING SUM(store.price) * ordered_items.quantity;



 customer_name | number_of_items_bought | final_price
 Mohamed M     |                      3 |     ú175.68
 Hass H        |                     11 |      ú438.00
 Zaza Z        |                     20 |      ú387.00
(3 rows)

而不是这个,如果我不包括任何 HAVING 或 WHERE CLAUSE 我试图限制并拥有价格 * 数量,我就会得到它

-- With this query with which doesn't tell final price as PRICE * QUANTITY
SELECT customers.first_name || ' ' || customers.surname AS customer_name,SUM(store.price) AS final_price
    FROM customers
    JOIN ordered_items
        ON ordered_items.customers_id = customers.id
    JOIN store_products AS store
        ON store.id = ordered_items.store_products_id
    GROUP BY 1;
-- Wrong result
 customer_name | number_of_items_bought | final_price
 Mohamed M     |                      3 |     ú136.44
 Hass H        |                     11 |      ú62.70
 Zaza Z        |                     20 |      ú19.35
(3 rows)

我应该如何去获取这个查询;我要价格 * 数量显示正确:

 customer_name | number_of_items_bought | final_price
 Mohamed M     |                      3 |     ú175.68
 Hass H        |                     11 |     ú438.00
 Zaza Z        |                     20 |     ú387.00
(3 rows)
lihonglian26 回答:是什么导致错误“HAVING 的参数必须是布尔类型,而不是货币类型”,我该如何解决?

0 转换为 money 以给出与计算相同类型的零,从而提供合法的比较:

having sum(store.price) *
  sum(ordered_items.quantity) > 0::money

live demo

另请注意,您必须使用 ordered_items.quantity 的聚合(即总和)值

