


我需要知道从矢量X到X = 1到X = 1的距离。

从X = floor(my_pos_X)到X = floor(my_pos_X)+1必须走(向矢量方向)的距离。


#Get my Starting Point
pos = GET_POS #Getting my 3D pos / no need to explain all the project
#Creation of the grid
grid = THE_GRID #almost as simple as a 3d array,with min,max and cell size
#Getting the size of the cell / it is a cube,one size is needed
size = grid.size

#Getting my random direction in a 3d unit vector
dir = get_random_dir() #I am sure the result is a 3d vector of size 1.

#Get the coordinates in my table containing the cell
(x,y,z) = grid.get_discretized_pos(pos) #floor( (pos[0]-min[0]) / size )

# direction of the vector. 1 if positive in the axes,-1 if not
dx = 1 if dir[0] > 0 else -1
dy = 1 if dir[1] > 0 else -1
dz = 1 if dir[2] > 0 else -1

# The distance to go following `dir` to get from X=0 to X=1
# this is where I need help

# mx mean "Maximum distance before change in X position"
mx = (size / (dir[0])) * math.sqrt(dir[1]**2+dir[2]**2) * dx
my = (size / (dir[1])) * math.sqrt(dir[2]**2+dir[0]**2) * dy
mz = (size / (dir[2])) * math.sqrt(dir[0]**2+dir[1]**2) * dz

# The distance I have to go from the current pos until the next change in the grid position
# if dx == 1 : size - pos[0]%size
# else: pos[0]%size
# then /size <- get the proportion from the size
# * mx <- apply this proportion to the max distance

# nx mean "Next change in the X position" and contain the distance until this next change
nx = ( (size*(dx+1)/2) - dx*(pos[0]%size) ) / size * mx
ny = ( (size*(dy+1)/2) - dy*(pos[1]%size) ) / size * my
nz = ( (size*(dz+1)/2) - dz*(pos[2]%size) ) / size * mz

#Follow the direction until stop
is_ended = False
while ( not is_ended ):

    #get the minimum distance before changing pos in grid
    if nx < ny:
        if nx < nz:#X axes is the minimum
            d = nx #distance I need to travel until next grid position change is `nx`
            nx = mx #next time will be the maximum distance
            ny -= d #reduce the remaining distance by what I am travelling
            nz -= d #same
            x += dx #Updating the position in the grid
        else : #Z axe is the minimum
            d = nz
            nz = mz
            nx -= d
            ny -= d
            z += dz
        if ny < nz: #Y axe is the minimum
            d = ny
            ny = my
            nx -= d
            nz -= d
            y += dy
        else : #Z axe is the minimum
            d = nz
            nz = mz
            nx -= d
            ny -= d
            z += dz
    # The test my program need to exit the loop
    if MY_TEST(x,z):
        is_ended = True



这是失败的: Fail while following- Another Point of View

这是一个“胜利”: Follow successfull- Another Point of View

iCMS 回答:跟随网格中的3D矢量

