
如果有数据,我的postgres9.6数据库几乎没有1 GB。尝试在S3上设置pgbackrest基础备份。完成了安装和所需的配置。 能够创建节并检查它。




2020-03-16 17:28:54.977 P00   INFO: full backup size = 1.5GB
2020-03-16 17:28:54.977 P00  DEBUG:     command/backup/backup::backupProcess: => void
2020-03-16 17:28:54.977 P00  DEBUG:     command/backup/backup::backupStop: (backupData: {BackupData},manifest: {Manifest})
2020-03-16 17:28:54.977 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive pg_stop_backup() and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2020-03-16 17:28:54.977 P00  DEBUG:     db/db::dbBackupStop: (this: {client: {host: null,port: 5432,database: {"postgres"},user: null,queryTimeout 1800000},remoteclient: null})
2020-03-16 17:28:54.977 P00  DEBUG:     db/db::dbQueryRow: (this: {client: {host: null,remoteclient: null},query: {"select lsn::text as lsn,pg_catalog.pg_xlogfile_name(lsn)::text as wal_segment_name,labelfile::text as backuplabel_file,spcmapfile::text as tablespacemap_file
                                          from pg_catalog.pg_stop_backup(false)"})
2020-03-16 17:28:54.977 P00  DEBUG:     db/db::dbQuery: (this: {client: {host: null,spcmapfile::text as tablespacemap_file
                                          from pg_catalog.pg_stop_backup(false)"})
2020-03-16 17:28:54.977 P00  DEBUG:     postgres/client::pgClientQuery: (this: {host: null,spcmapfile::text as tablespacemap_file
                                          from pg_catalog.pg_stop_backup(false)"})
2020-03-16 17:58:55.010 P00  DEBUG:     common/exit::exitSafe: (result: 0,error: true,signalType: 0)
ERROR: [057]: query 'select lsn::text as lsn,spcmapfile::text as tablespacemap_file
         from pg_catalog.pg_stop_backup(false)' timed out after 1800000ms
2020-03-16 17:58:55.110 P00 DetaIL: tls statistics: objects 2,sessions 31,requests 2285,retries 0
2020-03-16 17:58:55.110 P00   INFO: http statistics: objects 2,requests 2278,retries 7,closes 22
2020-03-16 17:58:55.110 P00   INFO: backup command end: aborted with exception [057]
2020-03-16 17:58:55.110 P00  DEBUG:     common/lock::lockRelease: (failOnNoLock: false)
2020-03-16 17:58:55.110 P00  DEBUG:     common/lock::lockRelease: => true
2020-03-16 17:58:55.110 P00  DEBUG:     common/exit::exitSafe: => 57
2020-03-16 17:58:55.110 P00  DEBUG:     main::main: => 57


archive-async        = y
repo-path            = /pgBackup/*******/central/shard-1
repo1-retention-full = 5
repo1-s3-bucket      = *******************
repo1-s3-endpoint    =
repo1-s3-key         = ******************
repo1-s3-key-secret  = ******************
repo1-s3-region      = us-west-2
repo1-type           = s3

process-max = 2

process-max = 2

db1-path = /var/lib/postgresql/9.6/main/
yzhwyf 回答:pgbackrest备份由于超时1800000ms而在pg_stop_backup()上失败

