

def func1():
    while True:
        raining = input('Is it raining?: ')

        if raining == 'yes':
            A1 = input('Have an umbrella?: ')

            if A1 == 'no':
                Q1 = 'yes'
                while Q1 == 'yes':
                    print('Wait a while.')
                    Q1 = input('Is it raining? ')

                if Q1 == 'no':
                    print('go outside')

            elif A1 == 'yes':
                print('go outside...')

        elif raining == 'no':
            print('go outside...')

The circuit the code is based on!

toddfsy001 回答:可以更简洁地写吗?


yes = ['y','yes']
no = ['n','no']

def func1():
    cant_go_outside = True
    while cant_go_outside:
        if input('Is it raining?: ') in yes:
            if input('Have an umbrella?: ') in no:
                while cant_go_outside:
                    print('Wait a while.')
                    if input('Is it raining?: ') in no:
                        print('go outside...')
                        cant_go_outside = False
                print('go outside...')
                cant_go_outside = False
            print('go outside...')
            cant_go_outside = False


def getAnswer(question):
    while True:
        answer = input(question)
        if answer in ["yes","no"]: return answer == "yes"

def func1():
    while True:
        if  getAnswer("Is it raining?: ") \
        and not getAnswer("Have an umbrella?: "):
            while getAnswer("Wait a while.\nIs it still raining?: "): pass
        print("go outside...")


def decide(decisions,step="Q1"):
    while True:
        prompt,*nextSteps = decisions[step]
        if "Q" in step: answer = input(prompt+": ")
        else:           answer = print(prompt) or "no"
        if answer not in ["yes","no"]: continue
        step = nextSteps[answer=="yes"]



rainyDay = {  "Q1":("Is it raining?","P1","Q2"),"P1":("go outside...","Q1"),"Q2":("Have an umbrella?","P2","P1"),"P2":("Wait a While.","Q3"),"Q3":("Is it still raining?","P2")

Is it raining?: no
go outside...
Is it raining?: r
Is it raining?: yes
Have an umbrella?: yes
go outside...
Is it raining?: yes
Have an umbrella?: no
Wait a While.
Is it still raining?: no
go outside...
Is it raining?: yes
Have an umbrella?: yes
go outside...
Is it raining?:


happiness = { "Q1":("Do you have a problem ?","P1":("Be Happy!","Q2":("Can you do something about it","P2"),"P2":("Do It!",}

Do you have a problem ?: no
Be Happy!
Do you have a problem ?: yes
Can you do something about it: no
Be Happy!
Do you have a problem ?: yes
Can you do something about it: yes
Do It!
Do you have a problem ?: no
Be Happy!
Do you have a problem ?:
