
PNG specification states that there are five possible filters,可以为图像的每一行分别选择。首先给出一些一般性建议:

  • 索引彩色和
  • 真彩色和灰度图像:“五个滤镜中的任何一个都可能证明是最有效的”
  • 如果您只能对整个图像使用一个滤镜,则Paeth可能是最好的

Then it suggests the following,听起来好像是在PNG的开发初期就写的,而且不是很具体:


以下简单的启发式方法在早期测试中表现良好:使用所有五个过滤器计算输出扫描线,并选择给出输出绝对值之和最小的过滤器。 (对于此测试,将输出字节视为带符号的差异。)此方法通常胜过任何单个固定滤波器的选择。但是,随着使用PNG的经验越来越多,很有可能会找到更好的启发式方法。


@ Mark-Setchell指向libpng source code,其中包含从第2416行开始的长注释:

/* The prediction method we use is to find which method provides the
 * smallest value when summing the absolute values of the distances
 * from zero,using anything >= 128 as negative numbers.  This is known
 * as the "minimum sum of absolute differences" heuristic.  Other
 * heuristics are the "weighted minimum sum of absolute differences"
 * (experimental and can in theory improve compression),and the "zlib
 * predictive" method (not implemented yet),which does test compressions
 * of lines using different filter methods,and then chooses the
 * (series of) filter(s) that give minimum compressed data size (VERY
 * computationally expensive).
 * GRR 980525:  consider also
 *   (1) minimum sum of absolute differences from running average (i.e.,*       keep running sum of non-absolute differences & count of bytes)
 *       [track dispersion,too?  restart average if dispersion too large?]
 *  (1b) minimum sum of absolute differences from sliding average,probably
 *       with window size <= deflate window (usually 32K)
 *   (2) minimum sum of squared differences from zero or running average
 *       (i.e.,~ root-mean-square approach)
wzq12 回答:PNG编码器如何选择要使用的过滤器?

