当用户位于UIPageControl的最后一页时,设置SignIn / SignUp按钮的可见性

我有一个Viewcontroller(OnboardingMasterViewController.swift),其下部带有UIScrollView,Page Control和2个用于SignIn / SignUp和Not Now的按钮。这里是概述:

Onboarding Storyboard




class OnboardingMasterViewController: UIViewController,UIScrollViewDelegate {

@IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView!
@IBOutlet weak var pageControl: UIPageControl!
@IBOutlet weak var btnSignUp: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var btnNotNow: UIButton!

var scrollWidth: CGFloat! = 0.0
var scrollHeight: CGFloat! = 0.0

// data for slides
var titles = ["Welcome to Sistakedi!","Easy to input","Easy to access","Easy to see the trend"]
var descs = ["This application will help you to record and manage your health condition.","Sistakedi have a simple way to record your blood pressure,blood glucose and cholesterol.","Not just easy to record,you can easilly find your health data in our journal.","And you can also understand your health condition by see your health history in graphic."]
var imgs = ["intro1","intro2","intro3","intro4"]

// get dynamic width and height of scrollview and save it
override func viewdidlayoutsubviews() {
    scrollWidth = scrollView.frame.size.width
    scrollHeight = scrollView.frame.size.height

override func viewDidLoad() {
    //to call viewdidlayoutsubviews() and get dynamic width and height of scrollview

    self.scrollView.delegate = self
    scrollView.isPagingEnabled = true
    scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
    scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false

    //crete the slides and add them
    var frame = CGRect(x: 0,y: 0,width: 0,height: 0)

    for index in 0..<titles.count {
        frame.origin.x = scrollWidth * CGFloat(index)
        frame.size = CGSize(width: scrollWidth,height: scrollHeight)

        let slide = UIView(frame: frame)

        let imageView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(named: imgs[index]))
        imageView.frame = CGRect(x:0,y:0,width:300,height:300)
        imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
        imageView.center = CGPoint(x:scrollWidth/2,y: scrollHeight/2 - 50)

        let txt1 = UILabel.init(frame: CGRect(x:32,y:imageView.frame.maxY+10,width:scrollWidth-64,height:80))
        txt1.textAlignment = .center
        txt1.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 20.0)
        txt1.text = titles[index]

        let txt2 = UILabel.init(frame: CGRect(x:32,y:txt1.frame.maxY+10,height:80))
        txt2.textAlignment = .center
        txt2.numberOfLines = 4
        txt2.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18.0)
        txt2.text = descs[index]




    scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: scrollWidth * CGFloat(titles.count),height: scrollHeight)

    //disable vertical scroll/bounce
    self.scrollView.contentSize.height = 1.0

    //initial state
    pageControl.numberOfPages = titles.count
    pageControl.currentPage = 0


@IBaction func pageChanged(_ sender: Any) {
    scrollView!.scrollRectToVisible(CGRect(x: scrollWidth * CGFloat ((pageControl?.currentPage)!),width: scrollWidth,height: scrollHeight),animated: true)

func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {

func setIndiactorForCurrentPage()  {
    let page = (scrollView?.contentOffset.x)!/scrollWidth
    pageControl?.currentPage = Int(page)

func lastPageReached() {
    if titles.count == 3 {
        btnNotNow.isHidden = false
        btnNotNow.isHidden = false
    } else {
        btnNotNow.isHidden = true
        btnSignUp.isHidden = true
fuying58 回答:当用户位于UIPageControl的最后一页时,设置SignIn / SignUp按钮的可见性


func setIndiactorForCurrentPage()  {
    let page = Int((scrollView?.contentOffset.x)!/scrollWidth)
    pageControl?.currentPage = page
    if page == titles.count - 1 {
        //This is the last page
        btnSignUp.isHidden = false
        btnNotNow.isHidden = false
    } else {
        //If you want to hide the button again in case the user goes backward through your pages
        btnSignUp.isHidden = true
        btnNotNow.isHidden = true
