
我在ScrollBar中的de VB6有问题。观看下一个 gif




Option Explicit
    Private old Post As Integer
    Dim index As Integer
    Dim indicee As Integer
    Public Disclaimer
    Private Sub btnAdd_Click ()
    index = index + 1 'we increase the index
    indicee = indicee + 0 'we start it at 0
    pic1 (indicee) .Visible = True
    'Label and TextBox type
    lblType (indicee) .Visible = True
    cmbAddType (indicee) .Visible = True
    'Label and TextBox prefix
    lblAddPrefix (indicee) .Visible = True
    txtAddPrefix (indicee) .Visible = True
    'Number Label and TextBox
    lblAddNum (indicee) .Visible = True
    txtAddNumber (indicee) .Visible = True
    chkAddPrincipal (indicee) .Visible = True
    'Label and TextBox link
    lblAddVin (indicee) .Visible = True
    cmbAdd Link (indicee) .Visible = True
    Load pic1 (index) 'we create the control
    pic1 (index) .Visible = True 'we make it visible
    pic1 (index) .Top = pic1 (index - 1) .Top + pic1 (index - 1) .Height + 20
    Load lblType (index)
    Set lblType (index) .Container = pic1 (index)
    lblType (index) .Visible = True
    lblType (index) .Top = lblType (index - 1) .Top
    Load cmbAddType (index)
    Set cmbAddType (index) .Container = pic1 (index)
    cmbAddType (index) .Visible = True
    cmbAddType (index) .Top = cmbAddTipo (index - 1) .Top
    Load lblAddPrefix (index)
    Set lblAddPrefix (index) .Container = pic1 (index)
    lblAddPrefix (index) .Visible = True
    lblAddPrefix (index) .Top = lblAddPrefix (index - 1) .Top
    Load txtAddPrefix (index)
    Set txtAddPrefix (index) .Container = pic1 (index)
    txtAddPrefix (index) .Visible = True
    txtAddPrefix (index) .Top = txtAddPrefix (index - 1) .Top
    Load lblAddNum (index)
    Set lblAddNum (index) .Container = pic1 (index)
    lblAddNum (index) .Visible = True
    lblAddNum (index) .Top = lblAddNum (index - 1) .Top
    Load txtAddNumber (index)
    Set txtAddNumber (index) .Container = pic1 (index)
    txtAddNumber (index) .Visible = True
    txtAddNumber (index) .Top = txtAddNumber (index - 1) .Top
    Load chkAddPrincipal (index)
    Set chkAddPrincipal (index) .Container = pic1 (index)
    chkAddPrincipal (index) .Visible = True
    chkAddPrincipal (index) .Top = chkAddPrincipal (index - 1) .Top
    Load lblAddVin (index)
    Set lblAddVin (index) .Container = pic1 (index)
    lblAddVin (index) .Visible = True
    lblAddVin (index) .Top = lblAddVin (index - 1) .Top
    'cmbAdd Link
    Load cmbAdd Link (index)
    Set cmbAdd Link (index) .Container = pic1 (index)
    cmbAdd Link (index) .Visible = True
    cmbAddLink (index) .Top = cmbAddLink (index - 1) .Top
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load ()
       scrollAdd.Min = 0
       scrollAdd.Max = 1000
       scrollAdd.SmallChange = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * 10
       scrollAdd.LargeChange = scrollAdd.SmallChange
    End Sub
    Private Sub scrollAdd_Change ()
    End Sub
    Private Sub scrollAdd_Scroll ()
    End Sub
    Private Sub ScrollPictureBox ()
       Dim c As Control
       For Each c In Me.Controls
          If c.Container.Name = "pic1" And Not TypeOf c Is VScrollBar Then
             c.Top = c.Top + (oldPos - scrollAdd.Value)
          End if
       oldPos = scrollAdd.Value
    End Sub

有人可以帮助我吗? 我需要使用ScrollBar解决该问题。 我需要它正确移动,我该怎么做?

〜我给您添加了gif可以理解我的“错误/错误” 我的英语不好,但我希望你能听懂 我希望滚动条正确移动而不移动gif中所示的表单。这个想法是,当按下按钮时,将添加字段,并使用ScrollBar可以看到它们,但是正如您将看到的那样,整个表单都在移动,包括ScrollBar〜


zj005386 回答:滚动条的花花公子


enter image description here


enter image description here


Option Explicit

Private index As Integer
Private oldPos As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()
   scrollAdd.Min = 0
   scrollAdd.Max = 3000
   scrollAdd.SmallChange = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * 10
   scrollAdd.LargeChange = scrollAdd.SmallChange

   Picture1.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub scrollAdd_Change()
End Sub

Private Sub scrollAdd_Scroll()
End Sub

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
   index = index + 1

   Load uc1(index)
   Set uc1(index).Container = Picture1  'place the control inside the PictureBox
   uc1(index).Visible = True
   uc1(index).Top = IIf(index = 1,uc1(index - 1).Top + uc1(index - 1).Height + 20)

   Picture1.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub ScrollControls()
   Dim c As Control

   For Each c In Me.Controls
      If c.Container.Name = "Picture1" And Not TypeOf c Is VScrollBar Then
         c.Top = c.Top + (oldPos - scrollAdd.Value)
      End If

   oldPos = scrollAdd.Value
End Sub


Option Explicit

Public Property Get AddType() As String
   AddType = cmbAddType.Text
End Property

Public Property Let AddType(ByVal Value As String)
   cmbAddType.Text = Value
End Property

Public Property Get AddPrefix() As String
   AddPrefix = txtAddPrefix.Text
End Property

Public Property Let AddPrefix(ByVal Value As String)
   txtAddPrefix.Text = Value
End Property

Public Property Get AddNumber() As String
   AddNumber = txtAddNumber.Text
End Property

Public Property Let AddNumber(ByVal Value As String)
   txtAddNumber.Text = Value
End Property

Public Property Get AddPrincipal() As Integer
   AddPrincipal = chkAddPrincipal.Value
End Property

Public Property Let AddPrincipal(ByVal Value As Integer)
   chkAddPrincipal.Value = Value
End Property

Public Property Get AddLink() As String
   AddLink = cmbAddLink.Text
End Property

Public Property Let AddLink(ByVal Value As String)
   cmbAddLink.Text = Value
End Property


Private Sub TestTheScreen()
   'you can initialize the controls as needed
   uc1(0).AddPrefix = "My Prefix"
   uc1(0).AddPrincipal = vbChecked

   'and at some point retrieve the state
   Dim ap As Integer
   ap = uc1(0).AddPrincipal
End Sub
