如何从C ++中的函数返回数组


string * animal_name_grab() 
        static string animal_name[SIZE];
        int cntr = 0;
        static string line_skip[SIZE];
    while (!input_animals.eof())
    return (animal_name);

现在,我正在尝试做相同的事情,但要加总数字。我不知道到底是什么问题。我执行函数调用的方式与上一个函数完全相同,但是为了以防万一,我也插入了它。 声明为double * array_animal_total; 函数调用-array_animal_total = animal_total_grab();

double * animal_total_grab()
        static double animal_total[SIZE];
        static string line_skip[SIZE];
        int cntr = 0;
        double sum = 0;
        double total_count;
    while (!input_animals.eof())

            for ( int i ; i < 10 ; i++)
            input_animals >> total_count;
            sum = sum + total_count;    
        animal_total[cntr] = sum;

    return (animal_total);


lhy12565 回答:如何从C ++中的函数返回数组



string * animal_name_grab() 



如何从c ++中的函数返回数组

实际上不可能直接从C ++中的函数返回数组。但是,可以返回类的实例,并且类可以具有数组成员,因此,如果将数组包装在类中,则可以返回该包装对象。这种数组包装器类有一个标准模板。名称为std::array。示例:

std::array<std::string,SIZE> animal_name_grab()
    std::array<std::string,SIZE> animal_name;
    return animal_name;



您要求提供建议,所以您可以找到: 如果要使代码更像C ++和现代,请考虑使用std::arraystd::vector而不是原始数组。 这使您可以使用STL_functions,例如:

std::for_each(vector.begin(),vector.end(),[&] (int n) {
sum_of_elems += n;

获取元素的总和。 您可以返回向量,但我建议您先创建向量,然后通过引用将其传递。

std::vector<std::string> input;
input.reserve(approxSpace); // Not necessary
getInput(&input); // Fill vector in external function





double * func(){
   double * someArray = new double[3]; //declaring 'someArray' on the heap

   for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)   //Filling the array with data
      someArray[i] = i;         //filling the array with data

   return someArray;            //since 'someArray' is on the heap it wont be destructed when you return






#include <iostream>
#include <vector>  // std::vector - a dynamically growing container
                   //               that you can store objects in
#include <sstream> // std::istringstream for demo purposes

// A type to store the characteristics of an animal in. Let's start with a name.
struct animal {
    std::string name;

// A function to read one "animal" from std::cin or some other istream.
// It's functions like these that makes "cin >> variable;" work in your everyday program.
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is,animal& a) {
    return is;

// A function to write one "animal" to std::cout or some other ostream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const animal& a) {
    return os << a.name;

// A collection of animals.
struct animal_collection {
    // std::vector - This std::vector stores objects of the type "animal".
    //               It has a lot of good features and is often prefered as a container
    //               when the exact number of elements to store is unknown.
    std::vector<animal> creatures;

    // return the number of "animal" objects there are in this "animal_collection"
    size_t size() const { return creatures.size(); }

    // iterator support functions so that you can loop over an animal_collection.
    // In this case,they are mearly proxy functions for the functions in std::vector
    // that we need exposed.

    // const iterators
    auto cbegin() const { return creatures.cbegin(); }
    auto cend() const { return creatures.cend(); }

    auto begin() const { return cbegin(); }
    auto end() const { return cend(); }

    // non-const iterators
    auto begin() { return creatures.begin(); }
    auto end() { return creatures.end(); }

// A function to read one "animal_collection" from std::cin or some other istream,// like a file / ifstream.
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is,animal_collection& ac) {
    animal tmp;
    while(is >> tmp) { // use operator>> for "animal"
        // push_back() is a function in std::vector. Since this vector stores "animal"
        // objects and "tmp" is an "animal" object,this works:
    return is;

// A function to write one "animal_collection" to std::cout or some other ostream,// like a file / ifstream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const animal_collection& ac) {
    // use the iterator support functions added to the "animal_collection" type
    // and loop over all the animal objects inside
    for(const animal& a : ac) {
        os << a << '\n'; // use operator<< that was added for "animal"
    return os;

// using the two types created above
int main() {
    std::istringstream cin(

    animal_collection ac;

    // read all "animal" objects into the "animal_collection"
    // emulating reading animals from cin - replace with any istream,// like an open file

    cin >> ac; // use operator>> defined for "animal_collection"

    // use the size() function in the "animal_collection":
    std::cout << "there are " << ac.size() << " animal(s):\n";

    // output the whole "animal_collection"
    std::cout << ac;

当您需要向animal添加特征时,只需更改与该类型相关的内容。 animal_collection不需要更改。 std::vector<animal>内的animal_collection具有a lot of other nice functions,您也可以通过代理功能公开size()begin() / end()函数家族。

