
Webpack已安装Babel,Terser(JavaScript缩小程序)和压缩插件。当我查看输出代码时,它看起来像char[] guessed = new char[26]; char guess; char playAgain; int amountMissed = 0,index = 0; do { char[] word = RandomLine().ToCharArray(); // Change :This needs to be inside the loop so that new random word could be selected user selects to continue the game char[] testword = new string('*',word.Length).ToCharArray(); // Change : Reordered initilization of word and testword so that we could generate testword with same length as original char[] copy = word; Console.WriteLine(testword); Console.WriteLine("I have picked a random word on animals"); Console.WriteLine("Your task is to guess the correct word"); while (!testword.SequenceEqual(word)) // Change : Comparison of arrays { Console.Write("Please enter a letter to guess: "); guess = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); bool right = false; for (int j = 0; j < copy.Length; j++) { if (copy[j] == guess) { Console.WriteLine("Your guess is correct."); testword[j] = guess; guessed[index] = guess; index++; right = true; } } if (right != true) { Console.WriteLine("Your guess is incorrect."); amountMissed++; } else { right = false; } Console.WriteLine(testword); } Console.WriteLine($"The word is {copy}. You missed {amountMissed} times."); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to guess another word? Enter y or n: "); playAgain = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } while (playAgain == 'y' || playAgain == 'Y'); Console.WriteLine("Good-Bye and thanks for playing my Hangman game."); 。在应用return null == n?"":Object(rO)(n)函数之后,有一些代码调用了该函数。



  1. 因此,为什么Object包含在导入结果中?
  2. 在像Object()这样的Object()的结果上调用函数时,如果忽略覆盖对象本身的情况,则在有或没有Object(foo)(bar)的情况下都会调用同一函数,如果它不是一个函数,则无论是否带有Object()都将是TypeError,因此即使删除Object(),行为也没有明显的不同。那不正确吗?

  3. 如果在函数调用之前删除Object()不会导致行为上的严重差异(如果根本没有差异,或者没有问题,请考虑差异仅在于边缘情况,并且它正在处理导入),我想删除此Object()以减少输出容量。我在Webpack中要删除此配置是什么?

  • Webpack 4.29.6
  • babel-loader 8.0.5
  • @ babel / core 7.3.4
  • terser-webpack-plugin 1.2.3
  • terser 3.16.1
  • compression-webpack-plugin 2.0.0
xin5232823 回答:使用Object()将导入的对象转换为对象是什么意思?

