

function getBulletaction(element) {
 return element[0].value;

// why can't i store this in a variable outside of the function???
let valueFrmForm = getBulletaction(document.getElementById("frmForm"));

document.getElementById("log").innerHTML = valueFrmForm;

//I want to pass the value returned from getBulletaction() to getaction() which will change the user input to lowercase characters.
function getaction(OutOfTheFunction){
	let action = userInput.toLocaleLowerCase('en-US');
	return action;
<form name="bulletForm" id="frmForm">
Write the action of your bullet:<br>
	<input type="text" name="bulletaction" value="" style="width: 30%;"/>
	<input type="button" name="submitType" value="Submit" onClick="getBulletaction(this.parentElement)" />

<h3>This is where the data is supposed to appear from getBulletaction()</h3>
<p id="log"></p>

dengxingyuan 回答:如何以一种可以将返回值传递给另一个函数的方式从HTML表单返回用户输入?


  1. 在脚本开头创建一个全局变量
  2. 更改全局变量的值当用户单击“提交”按钮时
  3. 在另一个function中使用全局变量

var text = "";
function getBulletAction(form) {
 text = form[0].value; //first input element
 return form[0].value;
function myFunc(form){
  var inputText = getBulletAction(form);
  document.getElementById("log").innerHTML = getAction();
function getAction(){	//let's use global variable
	let action = text.toLocaleLowerCase('en-US');
	return action;
function alertMyGlobalVar(){
<form name="bulletForm" id="frmForm">
Write the action of your bullet:<br>
	<input type="text" name="bulletAction" value="" style="width: 30%;"/>
	<input type="button" name="submitType" value="Submit" onClick="myFunc(this.parentElement)" />
<button onclick="alertMyGlobalVar()">Current value of global variable</button><br>
<h id="log">This is where the data is supposed to appear from getBulletAction()</h3>

