手和扑克牌之间的Dack / Card阵列重复

编辑:我已经部分解决了这个问题。我之前已经从它自己的方法中删除了for循环并将其放到main中以使其正常工作,但是由于某种原因,这次它不起作用。那是因为正在初始化一个新的Cards对象(在// The Flop注释下面),我想重置了卡片组。如果我删除它并将循环放在那里而不是它自己的方法,它将起作用。但是,问题仍然存在于方法中,因为我需要创建一个新的对象来与Deck类进行“通信”。我将尝试将对象作为参数传递或将其设置为可访问的位置,看看是否可行,然后我将重新编辑该帖子。


发布开始: 我正在尝试为我的课堂编写德州扑克游戏。我正在尝试使用方法来整理main()。不幸的是,它缝到了纸牌在我拥有的其他阵列(玩家的手,对手的手和棋盘)之间重复。我似乎不在我老师的最爱名单上,因此当他被问到时他没有提供太多帮助。


  public class PokerGame
    private int pot = 0;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        //Create Objects to connect classes.
        Deck Cards = new Deck(0,"s");
        Player Player = new Player();
        Opponents Op1 = new Opponents();

        //Bring deck into this main class.
        Deck[] aDeck = new Deck[52];
        Deck[] fDeck = Cards.buildDeck(aDeck);
        Deck[] mDeck = Cards.shuffle(fDeck,100);

        //Create the Board and Hand arrays.
        Deck[] Board = new Deck[5];
        Deck[] Burned = new Deck[3];
        Deck[] pHand = new Deck[2];
        Deck[] o1Hand = new Deck[2];

        int count;
        for(count = 0; count < pHand.length; count++)
            pHand[count] = Cards.deal(mDeck);
            System.out.println("P " + pHand[count].namedRank + " of " + pHand[count].s);
            o1Hand[count] = Cards.deal(mDeck);

        System.out.println("o1 " + o1Hand[0].namedRank + " of " + o1Hand[0].s);
        System.out.println("o1 " + o1Hand[1].namedRank + " of " + o1Hand[1].s);

        //The Flop
        Cards = new Deck(0,"s");
        Burned[0] = Cards.deal(mDeck);
        Board = flop(Board,mDeck);

        //The Turn
        Burned[1] = Cards.deal(mDeck);
        Board[3] = Cards.deal(mDeck);
        System.out.println("Now the Board is...");

        for(int b = 0; b < 4; b++)
            System.out.println(Board[b].namedRank + " of " + Board[b].s);


    public static Deck[] flop(Deck[] Board,Deck[] mDeck)
        Deck Cards = new Deck(0,"s");
        System.out.println("The Board is...");
        for(int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
            Board[b] = Cards.deal(mDeck);
            System.out.println(Board[b].namedRank + " of " + Board[b].s);
        return Board;


public class Deck
    public Deck[] Deck = new Deck[52];
    private int index = 0;
    public int rank;
    public String s;
    public String namedRank;
    private int x = 0;

     * Constructor for card Objects
     * Cannot get to work,not sure where issue is.
    public Deck(int rank,String s)
        if(rank == 1)
            this.rank = 14;
            this.rank = rank;

        String numRank = String.valueOf(rank);
        if(this.rank == 11)
            this.namedRank = "Jack";
        else if(this.rank == 12)
            this.namedRank = "Queen";
        else if(this.rank == 13)
            this.namedRank = "King";
        else if(this.rank == 14)
            this.namedRank = "Ace";
            this.namedRank = numRank;
        this.s = s;

     * Assigns each element in the array a card
     * @param Deck array before elements assigned
     * @return Deck array after elemnts assigned
    public Deck[] buildDeck(Deck[] fDeck)
        String[] suit = {"Club","Diamond","Heart","Spade"};

        int c;
        String of = " of ";
        for(c = 0; c < suit.length; c++)
            for(rank = 1; rank < 14; rank++)
                s = suit[c];
                fDeck[x] = new Deck(rank,s);
        return fDeck;

     * Shuffles the cards by picking to random numbers and switching them
     * @param Deck array after elemetns assigned
     * @return Deck array after elements are mixed up
    public Deck[] shuffle(Deck[] mDeck,int shuffle)
        for(int count = 0; count < shuffle; count++)
            int f = ((int)(Math.random() * 100) % 51 + 1);
            int s = 0;

            Deck move = mDeck[f];
            mDeck[f] = mDeck[s];
            mDeck[s] = move;


        return mDeck;

     * Deals the cards and keeps track by incrasing the index
     * @param Deck array after elements are mixed up
     * @return single Deck array element at whatever position int index is at
    public Deck deal(Deck[] dDeck)
        return dDeck[index];


dashewan333 回答:手和扑克牌之间的Dack / Card阵列重复

