来自Google表格的基于时间的触发Twilio SMS

我正在使用脚本,使用本教程中的Twilio示例,为Google工作表中的日期/时间行发送基于时间的SMS。 https://github.com/jmadden/twilio-sms-for-google-sheets/blob/master/README.md


// Gets predefined properties for this script. See: File -> Project properties -> Script properties
var prop = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();

// Returns a specific Google Sheet by URL.
var spreadSheet = Spreadsheetapp.openByUrl(prop.getProperty('spreadsheetUrl'));

// Defines how we want the date to be formatted for scheduling.
var dateFormat = prop.getProperty('DateFormat');

// Returns the specific sheet/tab inside a Google Sheed doc.
var sheet = spreadSheet.getSheets()[0];

// The Row where data starts. This skips the headers row.
var startRow = 2; 

// Returns the number of rows with values in this sheet.
var numRows = sheet.getLastRow() - 1;

// Returns all the data to be processed in this sheet. i.e. to # and message body.
var data = sheet.getRange(startRow,1,numRows,4).getvalues();

// Whenever this function is called it will send an SMS using Twilio
// if all of the required parameters are passed into the function.
function sendSms(to,body) {

  // URL used for sending request to Twilio's Messages API. Be sure to include your account SID
  var messages_url = "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/accounts/"+prop.getProperty('accOUNT_SID')+"/Messages.json";

  // Parameters needed to send an SMS.
  var payload = {
    "To": "+"+to,"Body" : body,"From" : prop.getProperty('TWNUM')

  // Contains the method of communicating with the API (POST) and the parameters needed to build a message.
  var options = {
    "method" : "post","payload" : payload

  // Authorize your account to send this message.
  options.headers = { 
    "Authorization" : "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(prop.getProperty('accOUNT_SID')+":"+prop.getProperty('AUTH_TOKEN'))


// This function loops through your Google Sheet and uses the sendSms() function to send messages.
function sendAll() {

  // For loop through your Google Sheet's data.
  for (i in data) {

    var row = data[i];

    // Returns the Google Sheet's timezone info as an object.
    var when = Moment.moment.tz(data[i][3],dateFormat,spreadSheet.getSpreadsheetTimeZone());

    var now = new Date();

    // Compares the current time to the "When" time in the sheet. 
    // Sends SMS if "When" time is older or equal to the current time.
    if (isnaN(when) || !when.isValid() || (when.toDate() >= now)){  

      // Try sending SMS.
      try {
        response_data = sendSms(row[0],row[1]);
        status = "sent";
      } catch(err) {
        status = "error";
      sheet.getRange(startRow + Number(i),3).setvalue(status);

// Runs the full script.
function runApp() {
chiichi 回答:来自Google表格的基于时间的触发Twilio SMS

我无法理解if (isNaN(when) || !when.isValid() || (when.toDate() >= now))以及为什么它将sheet.getRange(startRow + Number(i),3).setValue(status);的状态字符串替换为日期/时间,但是您可以尝试以下其他方法。



function sendAll() {

    // For loop through your Google Sheet's data.
    for (i in data) {

        var row = data[i];

        // Returns the Google Sheet's timezone info as an object.
        var when = Moment.moment.tz(data[i][3],dateFormat,spreadSheet.getSpreadsheetTimeZone());

        var now = new Date();

        // Compares the current time to the "When" time in the sheet. 
        // Sends SMS if current time is older or equal to the time in the sheet.
        if ((data[i][2] != "sent") && (now >= when.toDate())) {

            // Try sending SMS.
            try {
                response_data = sendSms(row[0],row[1]);
                status = "sent";
            } catch (err) {
                status = "error";
            sheet.getRange(startRow + Number(i),3).setValue(status);



