
我正在尝试使用Makefile class GraphGen: Gen<ReversibleDirectedGraph<Int>> { override fun constants() = listOf( ReversibleDirectedGraph(emptySet(),emptySet()),ReversibleDirectedGraph(setOf(0),setOf(0 to 0)),ReversibleDirectedGraph(setOf(0,1),setOf(0 to 1)) ) override fun random(): Sequence<ReversibleDirectedGraph<Int>> = generateSequence { val vertexGen = Gen.choose(0,20) val vertices = Gen.set(vertexGen).random().first() val vertexList = vertices.toList() val edgeGen = Gen.set(Gen.pair(Gen.from(vertexList),Gen.from(vertexList))).random() // On rare occasions,this throws an exception with origin and bound,probably due // to the number of sets. In those cases,we use an emptySet instead as a placeholder. val edges = try { edgeGen.first() } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { null } ReversibleDirectedGraph(vertices,edges?: emptySet()) } } class ReversibleDirectedGraphTest: StringSpec() { init { "reversibleDirectedGraphTest" { forAll(GraphGen()) { g -> g.reverse().reverse() == g } } } } 执行make命令。我在此makefile命令中遇到错误:

make build

我得到:build: ./folder/file.exe file.config


The command "." is either misspelled or could not be found.

我已在Windows 10上安装了Cygwin,并且已在Path中定义了所有环境变量:

  • CYGWIN_HOME = C:\ cygwin64
  • 路径=%CYGWIN_HOME%\ bin;%CYGWIN_HOME%\ sbin;%CYGWIN_HOME%\ usr \ bin;%CYGWIN_HOME%\ usr \ sbin;%CYGWIN_HOME%\ usr \ local \ bin;%CYGWIN_HOME%\ usr \ local \ sbin; C:\ MinGW \ bin;。;

因此Cygwin无法识别“。”之类的命令。或在尝试执行命令“ make”时使用“ \”。我还安装了cat: '\': Is a directory make × ERR cat ../../../vendor/js-aruco/src/aruco.js \ ,但是它不起作用。


chenga1972 回答:Cygwin和make-当前目录“。”未找到

