




x = 0
for i in range(89,len(text),90):
    while text[i] != " ":
        i += 1
    if len(text[x:i].strip()) > 90:
        while text[i - 1] != " ":
            i = i - 1
    file.write("".join(text[x:i]).strip() + "\n")
    x = i





在新行中“拼写”的预期输出(84个字符+ 8个字符):

非同寻常的事,但我从未被\ nnppelled看过专利药品广告


zydx123 回答:如何在不导入任何模块的情况下将文本包装到x个字符的段落中?


data = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis a risus nisi. Nunc arcu sapien,ornare sit amet pretium id,faucibus et ante. Curabitur cursus iaculis nunc id convallis. Mauris at enim finibus,fermentum est non,fringilla orci. Proin nibh orci,tincidunt sed dolor eget,iaculis sodales justo. Fusce ultrices volutpat sapien,in tincidunt arcu. Vivamus at tincidunt tortor. Sed non cursus turpis. Sed tempor neque ligula,in elementum magna vehicula in. Duis ultricies elementum pellentesque. Pellentesque pharetra nec lorem at finibus. Pellentesque sodales ligula sed quam iaculis semper. Proin vulputate,arcu et laoreet ultrices,orci lacus pellentesque justo,ut pretium arcu odio at tellus. Maecenas sit amet nisi vel elit sagittis tristique ac nec diam. Suspendisse non lacus purus. Sed vulputate finibus facilisis."""
sentence_limit = 40
buffer = ""
for word in data.split():
    word_length = len(word)
    buffer_length = len(buffer)

    if word_length > sentence_limit:
        print(f"ERROR: the word '{word}' is longer than the sentence limit of {sentence_limit}")

    if buffer_length + word_length < sentence_limit:
        if buffer:
            buffer += " "
        buffer += word
        buffer = word


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur
adipiscing elit. Duis a risus nisi. Nunc
arcu sapien,faucibus et ante. Curabitur cursus
iaculis nunc id convallis. Mauris at
enim finibus,iaculis
sodales justo. Fusce ultrices volutpat
sapien,in tincidunt arcu. Vivamus at
tincidunt tortor. Sed non cursus turpis.
Sed tempor neque ligula,in elementum
magna vehicula in. Duis ultricies
elementum pellentesque. Pellentesque
pharetra nec lorem at finibus.
Pellentesque sodales ligula sed quam
iaculis semper. Proin vulputate,arcu et
laoreet ultrices,orci lacus
pellentesque justo,ut pretium arcu odio
at tellus. Maecenas sit amet nisi vel
elit sagittis tristique ac nec diam.
Suspendisse non lacus purus. Sed
vulputate finibus facilisis.


import re

with open('f0.txt','r') as f:
    # file must be 1 long single line of text)
    text = f.read().rstrip()
    for line in re.finditer(r'(.{1,70})(?:$|\s)',text):


# Constant
J = 70

# output list
out = []

with open('f0.txt','r') as f:
    # assumes file is 1 long line of text
    line = f.read().rstrip()

    i = 0

    while i+J < len(line):
        idx = line.rfind(' ',i,i+J)
        if idx != -1:
            i = idx+1
            out.append(line[i:i+J] + '-')
            i += J

    out.append(line[i:]) # get ending line portion

for line in out:


I have basically a while loop nested in a for loop that goes through every 90 characters of the string,and firstly checks if it is not a space (ie. in the middle of a word). The while loop would then iterate through the string until it reaches the next space (ie. incorporates the word unto the same line). I then check if this line,minus the leading and trailing whitespaces,is longer than 90 characters,and if it is,the while loop iterates backwards and reaches the character before the word that extends over 90 characters.


I have basically a while loop nested in a for loop that goes through
every 90 characters of the string,and firstly checks if it is not a
space (ie. in the middle of a word). The while loop would then
iterate through the string until it reaches the next space (ie.
incorporates the word unto the same line). I then check if this line,is longer than 90
characters,the while loop iterates backwards and
reaches the character before the word that extends over 90 characters.
