批处理/ Shell脚本更新为文本文件参数

我有一个包含内容的文本文件 example.txt

My name is {param1}
I live in {param2}
These are all the parameters passed to batch scripts {params}

我应该如何编写和批处理/ shell脚本以将参数传递给example.txt文件

a405387759 回答:批处理/ Shell脚本更新为文本文件参数

您不需要创建文本文件。我给一个 批处理文件的代码,用于创建文本文件并将参数传递给它。

@echo off
echo My name is %1 >example.txt
echo I live in %2 >>example.txt
echo These are all the parameters passed to batch scripts %* >>example.txt
goto :eof

将其另存为param.bat并以param.bat param1 param2身份运行。




# Define variables named for the placeholders in the input file,# bound to the positional arguments passed.
$param1,$param2,$params = $args[0],$args[1],$args

# Read the whole text file as a single string.
$txt = Get-Content -Raw example.txt

# Replace '{...}' with '${...}' and then use
# PowerShell's regular string expansion (interpolation).
$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString(($txt -replace '\{','${'))

呼叫.\Expand-Text.ps1 a b c会产生:

My name is a
I live in b
These are all the parameters passed to batch scripts a b c


@echo off

:: # \-escape double quotes so they're correctly passed through to PowerShell
set params=%*
set params=%params:"=\"%

:: "# Call PowerShell to perform the expansion.
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -c ^
  "& { $txt = Get-Content -Raw example.txt; $param1,$args; $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString(($txt -replace '\{','${')) }" ^
