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var cardDeck = [{
'image':'<img class="card_image" src="">','year':'1586','hint':'Sir Francis Drake attacks Saint Augustine','caption':'On May 28 and 29,1586,Sir Francis Drake led an attack on the Spanish city of St. Augustine. The Englishman commanded a fleet of 25 ships commissioned by Queen Elizabeth to conduct a series of raids against Spanish settlements in the Americas. <a href="" target="_blank">Read More</a>'
'image':'<img class="card_image" src="">','year':'1926','hint':'Great Miami Hurricane','caption':'A catastrophic hurricane made landfall near Miami Beach in the early morning hours of September 18,1926. Known as the "Great Miami Hurricane," the storm cut a path of destruction across Southern Florida. <a href="" target="_blank">Read More</a>'
'image':'<img class="card_image" src="">','year':'1969','hint':'First humans on the Moon','caption':'On July 20,1969,Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot edwin "Buzz" Aldrin,Jr. landed in the Sea of Tranquility and became the first humans to walk on the moon <a href="" target="_blank">Read More</a>'
'image':'<img class="card_image" src="">','year':'1822','hint':'Territory of Florida Established','caption':'This first act of Florida\'s Territorial Legislature in 1822 divided the territory into four counties and established local courts. <a href="" target="_blank">Read More</a>'


$r= array_map('array_filter',$r);
$r= array_filter( $r);
xw20090630 回答:PHP的从多维数组中删除空数组


