

这有一个例外:当我尝试读取具有计量单位(UOM)标记的字段时,词典仅包含UOM键/值对,而不包含感兴趣的值。我可以提取感兴趣值的唯一方法是使用cElementTree iter()方法创建生成器,然后使用遍历生成器的next()方法。不使用发电机怎么办?


import numpy as np
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree

class XmlDictConfig(dict):
        Example usage:

        >>> tree = ElementTree.parse('your_file.xml')
        >>> root = tree.getroot()
        >>> xmldict = XmlDictConfig(root)
    def __init__(self,parent_element):
        if parent_element.items():
        for element in parent_element:
            if element:
                # treat like dict - we assume that if the first two tags
                # in a series are different,then they are all different.
                if len(element) == 1 or element[0].tag != element[1].tag:
                    aDict = XmlDictConfig(element)
                # treat like list - we assume that if the first two tags
                # in a series are the same,then the rest are the same.
                    # here,we put the list in dictionary; the key is the
                    # tag name the list elements all share in common,and
                    # the value is the list itself
                    aDict = {element[0].tag: XmlListConfig(element)}
                # if the tag has attributes,add those to the dict
                if element.items():
                self.update({element.tag: aDict})
            # this assumes that if you've got an attribute in a tag,# you won't be having any text. This may or may not be a
            # good idea -- time will tell. It works for the way we are
            # currently doing XML configuration files...
            elif element.items():
                self.update({element.tag: dict(element.items())})
            # finally,if there are no child tags and no attributes,extract
            # the text
                self.update({element.tag: element.text})

class ReadTree:
    def __init__(self,fileName):
        self.tree           = ElementTree.parse(fileName)
        self.root           = self.tree.getroot()
        self.rootNamespace  = self.root.tag.strip('tree')

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self,exc_type,exc_value,traceback):

    ## \brief create dictionary from keys/values
    # private method for zipping up a dictionary using lists of key/value pairs
    def _create_dictionary(self,keys,values):
        return dict(zip(keys,values))

    ## \brief get dictionary object
    # use XmlDictConfig class to iterate through xml structure
    def _get_xmlDict(self):
        xmlDict = XmlDictConfig(self.root)
        return xmlDict

    ## \brief return branch level as a dictionary
    # use private function _create_dictionary to convert the entries at branch
    #   level into a dictionary
    def _get_branch(self):
        xmlDict     = self._get_xmlDict()
        branch      = xmlDict[self.rootNamespace + 'branch']
        branchDict  = self._create_dictionary(branch.keys(),branch.values())
        return branchDict

    ## \brief return the value of the twig field
    def get_twig(self):
        twig = self._get_branch()[self.rootNamespace + 'twig']
        return twig

    ## \brief get_leaf method A
    # use a generator to return the value of the leaf field
    def get_leaf_A(self):
        leafGenerator = self.root.iter(self.rootNamespace + 'leaf')
        leaf = float(next(leafGenerator).text)
        return leaf

    ## \brief get_leaf method B
    # try to avoid using a generator to return the value of the leaf field
    #   this approach does not work
    def get_leaf_B(self):
        leaf = self._get_branch()[self.rootNamespace + 'leaf']
        return leaf

if __name__ == '__main__':

        Tree = ReadTree('./inFile.xml')
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <tree xmlns:xsi="http://www.interweb.net">
                <branch uid="something">
                    <leaf uom="m">999.99</leaf>
        twig = Tree.get_twig()
        # This prints 111.11
        leaf_A = Tree.get_leaf_A()
        # This prints 999.99
        leaf_B = Tree.get_leaf_B()
        # This prints {'uom': 'm'}
zytzwlj 回答:使用UOM读取XML文件作为python字典

