从服务器下载文件时出现Android SQLite错误


 database corruption at line 63697 of [c255889bd9]
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11)      Invalid First byte:0 of page:4
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11) Page      (4) content:
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11)  - 00      01 0F D1 00 0F D1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11)  - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11)  - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11)  - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2D 01 08 00 15 0F 0F 17 33 1B 33 2E 30 30 38 32 31 33
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11)  - 2E 39 35 32 30 31 39 2D 31 30 2D 32 37 20 31 35 3A 31 31 3A 34 39 32 34 37 31 35 39 34 00 00 00
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11) database corruption at line 63741 of [c255889bd9]
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11) statement aborts at 3: [SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY idx DESC] database disk image is malformed
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.615 26965-26965/com.my.testapp      E/DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler: !@ Corruption reported by sqlite (11) on      database: /data/user/0/com.my.testapp/databases/MY_DB
 2019-11-07 18:01:20.616 26965-26965/com.my.testapp E/SQLiteLog: (11)      Invalid type:0 for page:4


File BACKUP_FILE = new File (contextRef.getExternalFilesDir(null) + "/backup/" + DB_NAME);

        if (BACKUP_FILE.exists()) {
            if (BACKUP_FILE.delete()){
                Log.e("IFS","Deleting previous backup: " + BACKUP_FILE);

        int count;
        byte data[] = new byte[4096];

        URL sUrl = new URL(URL_FOR_DOWNLOAD);
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) sUrl.openConnection();

        input = connection.getInputStream();
        output = new FileOutputStream(BACKUP_FILE);

        while ((count = input.read(data)) != -1)
            if (isCancelled()) {
                return null;

    }catch (Exception e){
        Log.e("IFS","Error 127: " + e.getMessage());
wangzeaini 回答:从服务器下载文件时出现Android SQLite错误

如果数据库在WAL模式下使用(Android 9+的默认功能),则如果尚未检查要覆盖的现有数据库,则-wal文件仍然存在可能导致出现此消息。



