
我有这样的spring Bean类:

 public class A{

    private B b;

    private C c;

    private D d;

    public A(){

    public A(B b){
      this.b = b;


我有一些初始化B类的spring xml bean配置文件,但是我也有一些初始化 A 类的spring java配置类:

public AConfigurator(){

public A create(){
   B b = new B();
  A a = new A(b); //I set specific B instance
return a;  //my already set b property will be overried(with the bean B that has already been created in the spring context by another xml configuration) by the spring when autowiring the properties

我的问题是,当 create 方法返回 A 时,即使已设置属性,弹簧也会自动连接属性。它将覆盖已经设置的 b 属性。我只想自动装配在构造函数中未设置的属性。春季有可能吗?

anhuihaidong 回答:仅在未在构造函数中设置的情况下才自动装配变量



public class A{
    private B b;
    private C c;
    private D d;

    public A(B b,C c,D d){
        this.b = b;
        this.c = c;
        this.d = d;


class AConfigurator {

    private B b;

    private C c;

    private D d;

    public A create(){
        return new A(b,c,d);
