
I had an original question relating to how to find the greatest value and it was helpfully solved.使用以下查询即可完成:

select t.*,(case greatest(score1,score2,score3)
             when score1 then 'score1'
             when score2 then 'score2'
             when score3 then 'score3'
        end) as high_score_name,greatest(score1,score3) as high_score
from t;


|  ID  |  score1  |  score2  |  score3  |  high_score  |
|  123 |       14 |      561 |      580 |  score3      |
|  456 |      626 |      771 |      843 |  score3      |
|  789 |      844 |      998 |      904 |  score2      |
|  111 |      922 |      677 |      301 |  score1      |
|  222 |      665 |      578 |      678 |  score3      |
|  333 |      416 |      631 |      320 | score2       |


|  ID  |  score1  |  score2  |  score3  |  high_score  | second_score |
|  123 |       14 |      561 |      580 |  score3      | score2       |
|  456 |      626 |      771 |      843 |  score3      | score2       |
|  789 |      844 |      998 |      904 |  score2      | score3       |
|  111 |      922 |      677 |      301 |  score1      | score2       |
|  222 |      665 |      578 |      678 |  score3      | score1       |
|  333 |      416 |      631 |      320 | score2       | score1       |


ydp1016 回答:从一组列中找出第二大价值


select (case when score1 not in (least(score1,score2,score3),greatest(score1,score3))
             then 'score1'
             when score1 not in (least(score1,score3))
             then 'score2'
             when score1 not in (least(score1,score3))
             then 'score3'
        end) as second_score



id    score    score_number
123      14         1
123     561         2
123     580         3
. . .  



我认为最好的选择就是取消数据表的位置(每个分数只有一行),然后对它们进行排名。如果您希望获得具有原始乐谱的准确输出,则可以再次透视表,或通过text_l.getLayoutParams().height = 50 * 3; text_l.getLayoutParams().width= 100 * 3; 将结果加入。




with input(id,score1,score3) as (
    select 123,14,561,580 union all
    select 456,626,771,843 union all
    select 789,844,998,904 union all
    select 111,922,677,301 union all
    select 222,665,578,678 union all
    select 333,416,631,320
),unpivotted(id,score_label,score) as (
             id,case x
                 when 1 then 'score1'
                 when 2 then 'score2'
                 when 3 then 'score3'
                 end,case x
                 when 1 then score1
                 when 2 then score2
                 when 3 then score3
         from input
                  cross join (select 1 as x union all select 2 union all select 3) as three
     ),ranked as (
         select *,rank() over (partition by id order by score desc) as rnk
         from unpivotted
select distinct
    id,nth_value(score_label,1) over (partition by id order by rnk rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as high_score_label,2) over (partition by id order by rnk rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as second_score_label,nth_value(score,1) over (partition by id order by rnk rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as high_score,2) over (partition by id order by rnk rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as second_score
from ranked
order by id

