

<SI name = "Channel2" type = "list">
           <SI name = "SecsPortConfig" type = "list">
              <SI name = "PortType" type = "string">'XXX'</SI>
              <SI name = "Protocol" type = "string">'XXX'</SI>
              <SI name = "Serial" type = "list">
                 <SI name = "Port" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "Speed" type = "int">'XXXX'</SI>
              <SI name = "Socket" type = "list">
                 <SI name = "Connectionmode" type = "string">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LocalHost" type = "string">'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LocalPort" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "RemoteHost" type = "string">'XXX.XXX.XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "RemotePort" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
              <SI name = "HSMS" type = "list">
                 <SI name = "T5" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "T6" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "T7" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "T8" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LinkTestTime" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
              <SI name = "SECSI" type = "list">
                 <SI name = "T1" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "T2" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "T4" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "RTY" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "IsHost" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "IsMaster" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "InterleaveBlocks" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
              <SI name = "SECSII" type = "list">
                 <SI name = "DeviceID" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "T3" type = "int">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "MultipleOpen" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "AutoDeviceID" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
              <SI name = "Log" type = "list">
                 <SI name = "LogCharError" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogCharEvent" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogCharReceive" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogCharSend" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogSecsIHsmsError" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogSecsIHsmsEvent" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogSecsIHsmsReceive" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogSecsIHsmsSend" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogSecsIIError" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogSecsIIEvent" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogSecsIIReceive" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
                 <SI name = "LogSecsIISend" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
           <SI name = "UseSeparateSECSLogFile" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
           <SI name = "Connected" type = "bool">'XXX'</SI>
           <SI name = "MessageFilters" type = "list">
              <SI name = "DeviceIDList" type = "list"/>
              <SI name = "StreamFunctionList" type = "list"/>
           <SI name = "SafeMessageFilters" type = "list">
              <SI name = "DeviceIDList" type = "list"/>
              <SI name = "StreamFunctionList" type = "list"/>

如果它将是xml文件,我可以解析它并读出元素,但是如何使用这种文件呢? 我想提取元素RemoteHostRemotePort。 我现在使用BufferedReader进行了尝试,并通过在字符串中插入此部分而从文件中获取了Channel2部分,但是如何提取所需元素的特定值?我可能可以用子字符串和其他一些String方法来做到这一点,但是没有更简单的方法吗? 到目前为止,这是我的代码:

    File file = new File("C:\\Users\\but\\Desktop\\ExternalswPassThroughSrv.sic");

    int counter = 0;

    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));

    String cl;
    String finalString = "";
    while ((cl = br.readLine()) != null) {
        if (cl.contains("Channel2")) {
            counter = 63;
        if(counter != 0){
            finalString += cl + "\n";
tianhongjie 回答:如何从Java中结构类似于XML的文件中获取特定元素

Document _myDoc = null;

LSInput input  = implLS.createLSInput();


_myDoc = parser.parse(input);

SI = ((NodeList)_myDoc.getElementsByTagName("MessageFilters")).item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();






import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;

public class ConvertXml {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ParserConfigurationException,IOException,SAXException,TransformerException,XPathExpressionException {
        // Your XML-like content
        String xmlString = "xml here";

        // transform xml-Fragment into well-formed xml with root element
        String xmlStringWellformed = "<content>" + xmlString + "</content>";

        // parse well-formed xml
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document document = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlStringWellformed)));

        // build xpath expression
        String xPathRemoteHost = "//SI[@name='Channel2']/SI[@name='SecsPortConfig']/SI[@name='Socket']/SI[@name='RemoteHost']/text()";
        String xPathRemotePort = "//SI[@name='Channel2']/SI[@name='SecsPortConfig']/SI[@name='Socket']/SI[@name='RemotePort']/text()";
        XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();

        // Use XPath for extraction
        String remoteHost = (String) xPath.compile(xPathRemoteHost).evaluate(document,XPathConstants.STRING);
        String remotePort = (String) xPath.compile(xPathRemotePort).evaluate(document,XPathConstants.STRING);

        System.out.println("RemoteHost: " + remoteHost);
        System.out.println("RemotePort: " + remotePort);

来源: Baeldung - Intro to XPath with Java

