在Swift框架内使用Embeddinator 4000 iOS框架时发生崩溃

1)I have a host App and a Swift framework inside  workspace.

2) I am using Embeddinator 4000 iOS framework  inside Swift framework.

3) Crash is coming when I call func of Embeddinator 4000 iOS framework From Swift FrameWork.


@IBaction func launchXamarinPage(_ sender: Any) 

    let helpers = HelloSharedUI_UIHelpers() // #Crash at this line

    helpers?.showMyPageText("Hi Xamarin")


MonoTouch: Could not install sigaction override,unexpected sigaction implementation.

HostApp[96001:1415276] The assembly mscorlib.dll was not found or could not be loaded.

HostApp[96001:1415276] It should have been installed in the `/Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/xamarin-macios/xamarin-macios/external/mono/sdks/out/ios-sim64-release/lib/mono/2.1/mscorlib.dll' directory.

这是来自Swift Framework的本地调用。

import UIKit

import XamarinFrameWork . //created By xamarin Embeddinator 4000

public class PluginViewController: UIViewController {

override public func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

@IBaction func launchXamarinPage(_ sender: Any) {
    let helpers = HelloSharedUI_UIHelpers()  //#Crash at this line
    helpers?.showMyPageText("Hi Xamarin")


xamarin.Forms xamarin Embeddinator 4000公开的C#代码

@interface HelloSharedUI_UIHelpers:NSObject {

@public MonoEmbedObject* _object;


  • (可空实例类型)init;

  • (NSString *)getLabelText;

  • (void)showMyPageText:(NSString *)text;

  • (可空实例类型)initForSuper;


jackchesun 回答:在Swift框架内使用Embeddinator 4000 iOS框架时发生崩溃

