
在开始之前,我会指出我对C ++和一般编程非常陌生,因此,如果我做不正确的事情或以奇怪的方式编写代码,那是因为到目前为止我只学到了很多东西。


  • 从用户选择的文件中读取整数
    • 输出所有大于或等于零的数字的和与平均值,
    • 输出所有小于零的数字的和与平均值
    • 输出所有数字的总和和平均值,无论是正数,负数还是零。
    • 然后最后询问用户是否要选择另一个文件再次运行




#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main() {

    string inFile;
    int numbers,i = 0;
    double avg,neg_avg,total_sum,total_avg,sum = 0,neg_sum = 0;;
    double count = 0,neg_count = 0,pos_count = 0;
    char answer;

        //Input Question
        cout << "Enter the file name.\n";
        cin >> inFile;  // Input from User
        ifstream fin;   // Open File

        if (fin.fail())  // Check to see if file opens properly
            cout << "An error occurred while attempting to open the file.\n";

        while (count < 10)
            fin >> numbers;
            if (numbers >= i)
                sum += numbers;
                count += 1;
                pos_count += 1;
            if (numbers < i)

                neg_sum = neg_sum + numbers;
                count = count + 1;
                neg_count = neg_count + 1;


        avg = sum / pos_count;
        neg_avg = neg_sum / neg_count;
        total_sum = sum + neg_sum;
        total_avg = total_sum / 10.0;

        cout << "The sum of all positive numbers is: " << sum << endl;
        cout << "The average of all positive numbers is: " << setprecision(3) << avg << endl;
        cout << "The sum of all negative numbers is: " << neg_sum << endl;
        cout << "The average of all negative numbers is: " << setprecision(3) << neg_avg << endl;
        cout << "The sum of all numbers is: " << total_sum << endl;
        cout << "The average of all numbers is: " << setprecision(3) << total_avg << endl;

        cout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl;

        cout << "Want us to read another file?\n";
        cout << "Enter 'Y' or 'y'  for yes,any other character for no." << endl;
        cin >> answer;
    } while ((answer == 'y') || (answer == 'Y'));

    return 0;


任何帮助将不胜感激! 预先感谢



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main() {

    string file;
    int i = 0;
    double avg,neg_sum = 0;;
    double neg_count = 0,pos_count = 0,totcount = 0;
    char answer;

    //Input Question

        cout << "Enter the file name.\n";
        cin >> file;  // Input from User
        ifstream fin;   // Open File

        if (fin.fail())  // Check to see if file opens properly
            cout << "An error occurred while attempting to open the file.\n";

        while (!fin.eof())
            int numbers;
            fin >> numbers;
            int *dynamicArray;
            dynamicArray = new int[numbers];

            if (numbers >= i)
                sum += numbers;
                pos_count += 1;
                totcount += 1;

            if (numbers < i)
                neg_sum = neg_sum + numbers;
                neg_count = neg_count + 1;
                totcount += 1;


            avg = sum / pos_count;
            neg_avg = neg_sum / neg_count;
            total_sum = sum + neg_sum;

            total_avg = total_sum / totcount;

            cout << "The sum of all positive numbers is: " << sum << endl;
            cout << "The average of all positive numbers is: " << setprecision(3) << avg << endl;
            cout << "The sum of all negative numbers is: " << neg_sum << endl;
            cout << "The average of all negative numbers is: " << setprecision(3) << neg_avg << endl;
            cout << "The sum of all numbers is: " << total_sum << endl;
            cout << "The average of all numbers is: " << setprecision(3) << total_avg << endl;
            cout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl;

            delete [] dynamicArray;



        cout << "Want us to read another file?\n";
        cout << "Enter 'Y' or 'y'  for yes,any other character for no." << endl;
        cin >> answer;
    } while ((answer == 'y') || (answer == 'Y'));

    return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main() {

    string file;
    int i = 0,value = 0,e = 0;
    double avg,totcount = 0;
    char answer;

    //Input Question

        cout << "Enter the file name.\n";
        cin >> file;  // Input from User
        ifstream fin;   // Open File

        if (fin.fail())  // Check to see if file opens properly
            cout << "An error occurred while attempting to open the file.\n";

        //                       <----------  This works to get the size of the file
        int elements;
        vector<int> eCount;
        while (fin >> elements)
        int size = static_cast<int> (eCount.size());
        cout << "size = " << size << endl;//  <-----------Test to see if working 

        //From this point,size of the file is held in the variable,'size'.

        int array_size = size;
        int* p;
        p = new int[array_size];

        int location = 0;
        while (!fin.eof())
            fin >> p[location];

        cout << "P[12] is equal to " << p[12] << endl;// <----Test to see if array is initialized

        while (fin >> p[location])

            if (p[e] >= i)
                sum = sum + p[location];
                pos_count = pos_count + 1;
                totcount = totcount + 1;
                neg_sum = neg_sum + p[location];
                neg_count = neg_count + 1;
                totcount = totcount + 1;

        avg = sum / pos_count;
        neg_avg = neg_sum / neg_count;
        total_sum = sum + neg_sum;

        total_avg = total_sum / totcount;


        cout << "The sum of all positive numbers is: " << sum << endl;
        cout << "The average of all positive numbers is: " << setprecision(3) << avg << endl;
        cout << "The sum of all negative numbers is: " << neg_sum << endl;
        cout << "The average of all negative numbers is: " << setprecision(3) << neg_avg << endl;
        cout << "The sum of all numbers is: " << total_sum << endl;
        cout << "The average of all numbers is: " << setprecision(3) << total_avg << endl;
        cout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl;

        cout << "Want us to read another file?\n";
        cout << "Enter 'Y' or 'y'  for yes,any other character for no." << endl;
        cin >> answer;
    } while ((answer == 'y') || (answer == 'Y'));

        return 0;


xingxing9806 回答:动态数组的总和和平均值

好吧,您遇到的最大I / O问题是尝试使用while (!fin.eof())进行读取。参见Why !.eof() inside a loop condition is always wrong.。您遇到的最大逻辑问题是在从文件读取整数的同一循环中包含//Calculations

由于您读取并整型并保持正值和负值的连续和,因此根本不需要动态数组。当前,您保留pos_count,neg_count,and totcount,这是离开读循环时计算各自平均值所需的全部。

要整理一些东西,让我们看一下您的变量。虽然您可以将double用于pos_count,and totcount,但最好将unsigned类型用于计数器。 C ++提供size_t作为计数和长度的首选 sizetype ,但这不是强制性的-只是说得通。虽然您可以使用单独的fileanswer,但最好将每个输入都读入std::string以确保一次击键(例如用户输入"Yes"而不是{ {1}})不会在'Y'中保留未读的其他字符。您还可以对stdinstd::string使用相同的file,只需检查第一个字符是answer还是'y'来控制另一个字符的读取文件循环。



注意:,将答案读入缓冲区是在int main (void) { std::string buffer; /* use single buffer for filename & answer */ do { // Variables (will be reinitialized for each file) int number; /* you are reading one number at a time */ size_t neg_count = 0,pos_count = 0,totcount = 0; double avg,neg_avg,total_sum,total_avg,sum = 0.,neg_sum = 0.; 循环之前必须声明的唯一变量,才能最终用作测试条件)


do {...} while();

虽然您可以检查流上是否设置了 std::cout << "Enter the file name: "; if (!(std::cin >> buffer)) { // VALIDATE Input from User std::cerr << "(user canceled input)\n"; return 1; } 位,但更通用的测试是是否未设置文件流.fail(),例如




        std::ifstream fin(buffer);              // open file stream

        if (!fin.good()) {      // Check to see if file opens properly
            std::cerr << "error: file open failed - " << buffer << ".\n";
            return 1;

这将从文件中捕获您需要的所有信息。现在进行平均计算,但是如果 while (fin >> number) { /* control read loop with read itself */ if (number >= 0) { /* handle positive numbers */ sum += number; pos_count += 1; } else { /* if it's not >= 0,it's negative */ neg_sum = neg_sum + number; neg_count = neg_count + 1; } totcount += 1; /* total count incremented each time */ } fin.close(); 会发生什么。除以通常是一件非常非常糟糕的事情。始终验证您的分母,例如

pos_count,or totcount == 0

现在输出。您要为一个连续的输出块调用 // Calculations if (pos_count > 0) avg = sum / pos_count; else avg = 0; if (neg_count > 0) neg_avg = neg_sum / neg_count; else neg_avg = 0; total_sum = sum + neg_sum; if (totcount > 0) total_avg = total_sum / totcount; else total_avg = 0; 多少次? (提示:一次)


可在一次调用中处理所有输出需求(包括对 //OUTPUT (you only need one std::cout) std::cout << "\nThe sum of all positive numbers is: " << sum << std::endl << "The average of all positive numbers is: " << std::setprecision(3) << avg << std::endl << "The sum of all negative numbers is: " << neg_sum << std::endl << "The average of all negative numbers is: " << std::setprecision(3) << neg_avg << std::endl << "The sum of all numbers is: " << total_sum << std::endl << "The average of all numbers is: " << std::setprecision(3) << total_avg << std::endl << "-------------------------------------------------\n\n" << "Want to read another file?\n" << "Enter 'Y' or 'y' for yes,any other character for no.\n"; 'Y'的提示)。现在只需使用相同的'y'来输入是否继续,例如


就是这样,您完成了。放在一起,用 if (!(std::cin >> buffer)) { std::cerr << "(user canceled input)\n"; return 1; } /* condition on 1st char in buffer */ } while ((buffer.at(0) == 'y') || (buffer.at(0) == 'Y')); } 代替对std::cin >> buffer的脆弱使用,您将拥有:

getline (std::cin,buffer)

注意: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> int main (void) { std::string buffer; /* use single buffer for filename & answer */ do { // Variables (will be reinitialized for each file) int number; /* you are reading one number at a time */ size_t neg_count = 0,neg_sum = 0.; std::cout << "Enter the file name: "; if (!getline(std::cin,buffer)) { // VALIDATE Input from User std::cerr << "(user canceled input)\n"; return 1; } std::ifstream fin(buffer); // open file stream if (!fin.good()) { // Check to see if file opens properly std::cerr << "error: file open failed - " << buffer << ".\n"; return 1; } while (fin >> number) { /* control read loop with read itself */ if (number >= 0) { /* handle positive numbers */ sum += number; pos_count += 1; } else { /* if it's not >= 0,it's negative */ neg_sum = neg_sum + number; neg_count = neg_count + 1; } totcount += 1; /* total count incremented each time */ } fin.close(); // Calculations if (pos_count > 0) avg = sum / pos_count; else avg = 0; if (neg_count > 0) neg_avg = neg_sum / neg_count; else neg_avg = 0; total_sum = sum + neg_sum; if (totcount > 0) total_avg = total_sum / totcount; else total_avg = 0; //OUTPUT (you only need one std::cout) std::cout << "\nThe sum of all positive numbers is: " << sum << std::endl << "The average of all positive numbers is: " << std::setprecision(3) << avg << std::endl << "The sum of all negative numbers is: " << neg_sum << std::endl << "The average of all negative numbers is: " << std::setprecision(3) << neg_avg << std::endl << "The sum of all numbers is: " << total_sum << std::endl << "The average of all numbers is: " << std::setprecision(3) << total_avg << std::endl << "-------------------------------------------------\n\n" << "Want to read another file?\n" << "Enter 'Y' or 'y' for yes,any other character for no.\n"; if (!getline(std::cin,buffer)) { std::cerr << "(user canceled input)\n"; return 1; } /* condition on 1st char in buffer */ } while ((buffer.at(0) == 'y') || (buffer.at(0) == 'Y')); } 已在上面的代码中使用,以使用户输入更加健壮-出于示例原因,请参见示例输出下面的部分)>


使用三个文件进行测试,第一个文件是一组50x5的正整数集,然后是一组包含一个负值(getline (std::cin,buffer))的10个整数,最后一个文件是100个正负混合值。


有很多方法可以将其组合在一起,并且您可以随意使用任意多个变量或对$ ./bin/pos_neg_total Enter the file name: dat/50x5.txt The sum of all positive numbers is: 122180 The average of all positive numbers is: 489 The sum of all negative numbers is: 0 The average of all negative numbers is: 0 The sum of all numbers is: 1.22e+05 The average of all numbers is: 489 ------------------------------------------------- Want to read another file? Enter 'Y' or 'y' for yes,any other character for no. y Enter the file name: ../../..//src-c/tmp/dat/10int_nl.txt The sum of all positive numbers is: 2.03e+05 The average of all positive numbers is: 786 The sum of all negative numbers is: -2.21e+03 The average of all negative numbers is: -2.21e+03 The sum of all numbers is: 2.01e+05 The average of all numbers is: 774 ------------------------------------------------- Want to read another file? Enter 'Y' or 'y' for yes,any other character for no. Y Enter the file name: ../../../src-c/tmp/dat/100int.txt The sum of all positive numbers is: 1.93e+06 The average of all positive numbers is: 5.55e+03 The sum of all negative numbers is: -2.29e+05 The average of all negative numbers is: -1.76e+04 The sum of all numbers is: 1.7e+06 The average of all numbers is: 4.71e+03 ------------------------------------------------- Want to read another file? Enter 'Y' or 'y' for yes,any other character for no. n 的调用,但是希望这将有助于您进一步思考“我的程序需要吗?”。


最后,请注意,使用>>进行用户输入非常脆弱,因为将不会读取用户键入作为输入一部分的任何空格(并且将其保留为未读std::cin >> string中的em>,最好使用stdin,它将完整的行读入您的字符串中。请勿将getline iostream与>>输入一起使用说明getline中可能剩余的'\n',然后可以使用stdin进行清除。这种情况下,这样做更加健壮所有带有std::cin.ignore()的用户输入,例如


然后可以正确处理带有whtespace的文件名,如果用户想输入 if (!getline(std::cin,buffer)) { // VALIDATE Input from User std::cerr << "(user canceled input)\n"; return 1; } 作为您对继续问题的回答,那将完全没有问题。如果您还没有上课,请把它放在臀部口袋里。为了进行实验,请尝试用上面的原始"Yes I want to enter another file!"替换上面显示的两个用户输入,然后查看在提示符std::cin >> buffer上键入"Yes I want to enter another file!"会发生什么情况



所以为什么需要一个向量(动态数组)来存储整数,因为您的代码可以通过在EOF条件下添加一个“ break”表达式来处理所有情况。 如果您确实需要它,则下面是您需要的:

app.use(function (req,res,next)
    res.locals.toasts = req.toastr.render()
