

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    txt1.Visible = True
    txt2.Visible = True
    txt3.Visible = True
    txt4.Visible = True
    txt5.Visible = True
    txt6.Visible = True
    txt7.Visible = True
    txt8.Visible = True
    txt9.Visible = True
    txt10.Visible = True
    txt11.Visible = True

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Sheets("The Goods")

    Dim SearchSearch As Variant
    SearchSearch = txtsearch.Value
    Dim SearchName As Variant
    SearchName = txtname.Value

        If Trim(txtsearch.Value) = "" Then
        MsgBox "Search can't be left blank.",vbOKOnly + vbInformation,"Search"
        End If
        If Trim(txtname.Value) = "" Then
        MsgBox "Name can't be left blank.","Name"
        End If

    Dim FirstAddress As String,cF As Range

    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("The Goods").Range("D:D") 'txtsearch will be in the range D:D

        Set cF = .Find(What:=SearchSearch,_
                       SearchFormat:=False) ' line that is giving me an error

     With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("The Goods").Range("B:B") 'txtname will be in the range B:B

        Set cF = .Find(What:=SearchName,_

        txt1.Value = cF.(0,5).Value 
        txt2.Value = cF(0,3).Value 
        txt3.Value = cF(0,6).Value 
        txt4.Value = cF(0,7).Value 
        txt5.Value = cF(0,8).Value 
        txt6.Value = cF(0,9).Value 
        txt7.Value = cF(0,10).Value 
        txt8.Value = cF(0,11).Value 
        txt9.Value = cF(0,12).Value
        txt10.Value = cF(0,13).Value 
        txt11.Value = cF(0,14).Value 

    End With
End With

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim iExit As VbMsgBoxResult
iExit = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to exit?",vbQuestion + vbYesno,"Search System")

If iExit = vbYes Then
Unload Me
End If
End Sub
guangguang198 回答:用户表单以搜索两个条件,然后将行的数据粘贴到用户表单文本框中

下面的代码是一个简单的For Loop,它遍历cel中的每个Column B并检查txtname.Value,并使用offset检查Column D值等于txtsearch.Value。如果两者都匹配,那么它将把该行的值写入userform文本框中。您可以将TextBox1更改为txt1,等等。

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet,cel As Range

Set ws = Sheets("The Goods")

    For Each cel In ws.Cells(2,2).Resize(ws.Cells(Rows.Count,2).End(xlUp).Row).Cells

        If cel.Value = Me.txtname.Value And cel.Offset(,2).Value = Me.txtsearch.Value Then

            Me.TextBox1.Value = cel.Offset(,3).Value 'Change to your textbox naming scheme
            Me.TextBox2.Value = cel.Offset(,1).Value
            Me.TextBox3.Value = cel.Offset(,4).Value
            Me.TextBox4.Value = cel.Offset(,5).Value
            Me.TextBox5.Value = cel.Offset(,6).Value
            Me.TextBox6.Value = cel.Offset(,7).Value
            Me.TextBox7.Value = cel.Offset(,8).Value
            Me.TextBox8.Value = cel.Offset(,9).Value
            Me.TextBox9.Value = cel.Offset(,10).Value
            Me.TextBox10.Value = cel.Offset(,11).Value
            Me.TextBox11.Value = cel.Offset(,12).Value

        End If

    Next cel
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim i As Long,rngB As Range,n As Long,arrB,arrD
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim SearchSearch As Variant,SearchName As Variant

    For i = 1 To 11
        Me.Controls("txt" & i).Visible = True
    Next i

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("The Goods")

    SearchSearch = Trim(txtsearch.Value)
    SearchName = Trim(txtname.Value)

    'check the trimmed values
    If Len(SearchSearch) = 0 Or Len(SearchName) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "'Search' and 'Name' can't be left blank.",vbOKOnly + vbInformation,"Search"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'get search ranges
    Set rngB = ws.Range(ws.Range("B1"),ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count,"B").End(xlUp))
    Set rngD = rngB.Offset(0,2)

    'pull the values into a couple of arrays for faster searching
    arrB = rngB.Value
    arrD = rngD.Value

    'loop over the arrays
    For n = 1 To UBound(arrB,1)
        If arrB(n,1) = SearchName And arrD(n,1) = SearchSearch Then
            'got a hit - populate your textboxes

            Set cF = rngB.Cells(n,1)
            txt1.Value = cF.Offset(0,1).Value  'Col C same row
            txt2.Value = cF.Offset(0,2).Value  'Col D same row
            txt3.Value = cF.Offset(0,3).Value  'Col E same row
            'etc etc

            'OR do something like this:

            With rngB.Cells(n,1).EntireRow
                txt1.Value = .Cells(1,"C").Value
                txt1.Value = .Cells(1,"D").Value
                txt1.Value = .Cells(1,"E").Value
                'etc etc
            End With

            Exit For
        End If

    If cF Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No match!"

End Sub
