
我有两个data.frame,其中有多个公共列(在这里:datecityctry和(other_number )。


threshold.numbers <- 3
threshold.date <- 5  # in days

如果date项之间的差是> threshold.date(以天为单位) > threshold.numbers,则我不希望合并这些行。 同样,如果city中的条目是df列中其他city条目的子字符串,我希望合并这些行。 [如果有人有更好的主意来测试实际城市名称的相似性,我很乐意听到。](并保留df,{{1的前date个条目}}和city,但{{1}的country)列和other_中的所有其他列都是如此。



现在,我想合并df并收到一个df1 <- data.frame(date = c("2003-08-29","1999-06-12","2000-08-29","1999-02-24","2001-04-17","1999-06-30","1999-03-16","1999-07-16","2001-08-29","2002-07-30"),city = c("berlin","Paris","London","Rome","bern","Copenhagen","Warsaw","Moscow","Tunis","Vienna"),ctry = c("Germany","France","UK","Italy","Switzerland","Denmark","Poland","Russia","Tunisia","Austria"),number = c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100),col = c("apple","banana","pear","lemon","cucumber","apple","peach","cherry","cherry")) df2 <- data.frame(date = c("2003-08-29",# all identical to df1 "1999-06-29","1999-03-14","1999-07-17",# all 1-2 days different "2000-01-29","2002-07-01"),# all very different (> 2 weeks) city = c("berlin","East-Paris","near London",# same or slight differences "Zurich",# completely different "Copenhagen",# same ctry = c("Germany",# all the same "Denmark",other_number = c(13,17,3100,45,51,61,780,85,101),# slightly different to very different other_col = c("yellow","green","blue","red","purple","orange","black","beige")) ,如果满足上述条件,则将行合并。




编辑 对于不清楚的表述表示歉意-我想保留所有行,并接收一个指示符,该行是df1匹配,不匹配还是df2不匹配。


mmmnnnwo 回答:根据多个列和阈值合并数据帧




df = merge(df1,df2,by = ("ctry"))

> df
          ctry     date.x     city.x number      col     date.y      city.y other_number other_col
1      Austria 2002-07-30     Vienna    100   cherry 2002-07-01      Vienna          101     beige
2      Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber 1999-06-29  Copenhagen           61    orange
3       France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana 1999-06-12  East-Paris           17     green
4      Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple 2003-08-29      Berlin           13    yellow
5        Italy 1999-02-24       Rome     40   banana 1999-02-24        Rome           45       red
6       Poland 1999-03-16     Warsaw     70    apple 1999-03-14      Warsaw          780      blue
7       Russia 1999-07-16     Moscow     80    peach 1999-07-17      Moscow           85       red
8  Switzerland 2001-04-17       Bern     50    lemon 2001-04-17      Zurich           51    purple
9      Tunisia 2001-08-29      Tunis     90   cherry 2000-01-29       Tunis           90     black
10          UK 2000-08-29     London     30     pear 2000-08-29 near London         3100      blue


df$city_keep<-str_detect(df$city.y,df$city.x) # this returns logical vector if city.x is contained in city.y (works one way)
> df
          ctry     date.x     city.x number      col     date.y      city.y other_number other_col city_keep
1      Austria 2002-07-30     Vienna    100   cherry 2002-07-01      Vienna          101     beige      TRUE
2      Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber 1999-06-29  Copenhagen           61    orange      TRUE
3       France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana 1999-06-12  East-Paris           17     green      TRUE
4      Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple 2003-08-29      Berlin           13    yellow      TRUE
5        Italy 1999-02-24       Rome     40   banana 1999-02-24        Rome           45       red      TRUE
6       Poland 1999-03-16     Warsaw     70    apple 1999-03-14      Warsaw          780      blue      TRUE
7       Russia 1999-07-16     Moscow     80    peach 1999-07-17      Moscow           85       red      TRUE
8  Switzerland 2001-04-17       Bern     50    lemon 2001-04-17      Zurich           51    purple     FALSE
9      Tunisia 2001-08-29      Tunis     90   cherry 2000-01-29       Tunis           90     black      TRUE
10          UK 2000-08-29     London     30     pear 2000-08-29 near London         3100      blue      TRUE


df$dayDiff<-abs(as.POSIXlt(df$date.x)$yday - as.POSIXlt(df$date.y)$yday)


df$numDiff<-abs(df$number - df$other_number)


> df
          ctry     date.x     city.x number      col     date.y      city.y other_number other_col city_keep dayDiff numDiff
1      Austria 2002-07-30     Vienna    100   cherry 2002-07-01      Vienna          101     beige      TRUE      29       1
2      Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber 1999-06-29  Copenhagen           61    orange      TRUE       1       1
3       France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana 1999-06-12  East-Paris           17     green      TRUE       0       3
4      Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple 2003-08-29      Berlin           13    yellow      TRUE       0       3
5        Italy 1999-02-24       Rome     40   banana 1999-02-24        Rome           45       red      TRUE       0       5
6       Poland 1999-03-16     Warsaw     70    apple 1999-03-14      Warsaw          780      blue      TRUE       2     710
7       Russia 1999-07-16     Moscow     80    peach 1999-07-17      Moscow           85       red      TRUE       1       5
8  Switzerland 2001-04-17       Bern     50    lemon 2001-04-17      Zurich           51    purple     FALSE       0       1
9      Tunisia 2001-08-29      Tunis     90   cherry 2000-01-29       Tunis           90     black      TRUE     212       0
10          UK 2000-08-29     London     30     pear 2000-08-29 near London         3100      blue      TRUE       0    3070


df<-df[df$dayDiff<=5 & df$numDiff<=3 & df$city_keep==TRUE,]

> df
     ctry     date.x     city.x number      col     date.y     city.y other_number other_col city_keep dayDiff numDiff
2 Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber 1999-06-29 Copenhagen           61    orange      TRUE       1       1
3  France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana 1999-06-12 East-Paris           17     green      TRUE       0       3
4 Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple 2003-08-29     Berlin           13    yellow      TRUE       0       3



> df<-subset(df,select=-c(city.y,date.y,city_keep,dayDiff,numDiff))
> df
     ctry     date.x     city.x number      col other_number other_col
2 Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber           61    orange
3  France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana           17     green
4 Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple           13    yellow


df = merge(df1,by = c("city","ctry"))

第2步:如果日期条目之间的差异为> threshold.date(以天为单位),则删除行:

date_diff = abs(as.numeric(difftime(strptime(df$date.x,format = "%Y-%m-%d"),strptime(df$date.y,units="days")))
index_remove = date_diff > threshold.date
df = df[-index_remove,]


number_diff = abs(df$number - df$other_number) 
index_remove = number_diff > threshold.numbers
df = df[-index_remove,]



您可以使用city测试grepl的匹配情况,并使用ctry来测试==的匹配情况。对于直到此处匹配的用户,您可以通过使用date转换为as.Date并将其与difftime进行比较来计算日期差。 number的差异以相同的方式完成。

i1 <- seq_len(nrow(df1)) #Store all rows 
i2 <- seq_len(nrow(df2))
res <- do.call(rbind,sapply(seq_len(nrow(df1)),function(i) { #Loop over all rows in df1
  t1 <- which(df1$ctry[i] == df2$ctry) #Match ctry
  t2 <- grepl(df1$city[i],df2$city[t1]) | sapply(df2$city[t1],grepl,df1$city[i]) #Match city
  t1 <- t1[t2 & abs(as.Date(df1$date[i]) - as.Date(df2$date[t1[t2]])) <=
    as.difftime(threshold.date,units = "days") & #Test for date difference
    abs(df1$number[i] - df2$other_number[t1[t2]]) <= threshold.numbers] #Test for number difference
  if(length(t1) > 0) { #Match found
    i1 <<- i1[i1!=i] #Remove row as it was found
    i2 <<- i2[i2!=t1]
#          date        city        ctry number      col other_number other_col match
#1   2003-08-29      Berlin     Germany     10    apple           13    yellow     .
#2   1999-06-12       Paris      France     20   banana           17     green     .
#6   1999-06-30  Copenhagen     Denmark     60 cucumber           61    orange     .
#3   2000-08-29      London          UK     30     pear           NA      <NA>     1
#4   1999-02-24        Rome       Italy     40   banana           NA      <NA>     1
#5   2001-04-17        Bern Switzerland     50    lemon           NA      <NA>     1
#7   1999-03-16      Warsaw      Poland     70    apple           NA      <NA>     1
#8   1999-07-16      Moscow      Russia     80    peach           NA      <NA>     1
#9   2001-08-29       Tunis     Tunisia     90   cherry           NA      <NA>     1
#10  2002-07-30      Vienna     Austria    100   cherry           NA      <NA>     1
#31  2000-08-29 near London          UK     NA     <NA>         3100      blue     2
#41  1999-02-24        Rome       Italy     NA     <NA>           45       red     2
#51  2001-04-17      Zurich Switzerland     NA     <NA>           51    purple     2
#71  1999-03-14      Warsaw      Poland     NA     <NA>          780      blue     2
#81  1999-07-17      Moscow      Russia     NA     <NA>           85       red     2
#91  2000-01-29       Tunis     Tunisia     NA     <NA>           90     black     2
#101 2002-07-01      Vienna     Austria     NA     <NA>          101     beige     2

这是使用我的软件包 safejoin 的解决方案,在这种情况下,包装为 fuzzyjoin 软件包。

我们可以使用by参数来指定复杂的条件,使用函数X()df1获取值,并使用Y()从{ {1}}。



conflict = dplyr::coalesce


# remotes::install_github("moodymudskipper/safejoin")

# with provides inputs date is a factor,this will cause issues,so we need to
# convert either to date or character,character will do for now.
df1$date <- as.character(df1$date)
df2$date <- as.character(df2$date)

# we want our joining columns named the same to make them conflicted and use our
# conflict agument on conflicted paires
names(df2)[1:4] <- names(df1)[1:4]

  df1,by = ~ {
    # must convert every type because fuzzy join uses a matrix so coerces all inputs to character
    # see explanation at the bottom
    city1 <- X("city")
    city2 <- Y("city")
    date1 <- as.Date(X("date"),origin = "1970-01-01")
    date2 <- as.Date(Y("date"),origin = "1970-01-01")
    number1 <- as.numeric(X("number"))
    number2 <- as.numeric(Y("number"))
    # join if one city name contains the other
    (mapply(grepl,city1,city2) | mapply(grepl,city2,city1)) &
    # and dates are close enough (need to work in seconds because difftime is dangerous)
      abs(difftime(date1,date2,"sec")) <= threshold.date*3600*24 &
    # and numbers are close enough
      abs(number1 - number2) <= threshold.numbers
    },conflict = dplyr::coalesce)

reprex package(v0.3.0)于2019-11-13创建

不幸的是, fuzzyjoin 在进行多联接时会强制转换矩阵中的所有列,而 safejoin 包装了 fuzzyjoin ,因此我们必须将变量转换为by参数中的适当类型,这说明了#> date city ctry number col other_col #> 1 2003-08-29 Berlin Germany 10 apple yellow #> 2 1999-06-12 Paris France 20 banana green #> 3 1999-06-30 Copenhagen Denmark 60 cucumber orange #> 4 2000-08-29 London UK 30 pear <NA> #> 5 1999-02-24 Rome Italy 40 banana <NA> #> 6 2001-04-17 Bern Switzerland 50 lemon <NA> #> 7 1999-03-16 Warsaw Poland 70 apple <NA> #> 8 1999-07-16 Moscow Russia 80 peach <NA> #> 9 2001-08-29 Tunis Tunisia 90 cherry <NA> #> 10 2002-07-30 Vienna Austria 100 cherry <NA> #> 11 2000-08-29 near London UK 3100 <NA> blue #> 12 1999-02-24 Rome Italy 45 <NA> red #> 13 2001-04-17 Zurich Switzerland 51 <NA> purple #> 14 1999-03-14 Warsaw Poland 780 <NA> blue #> 15 1999-07-17 Moscow Russia 85 <NA> red #> 16 2000-01-29 Tunis Tunisia 90 <NA> black #> 17 2002-07-01 Vienna Austria 101 <NA> beige 参数中的第一行。

有关 safejoin 的更多信息:https://github.com/moodymudskipper/safejoin




#dupe columns and create ranges for non-equi joins
df1[,c("n","ln","un","d","ld","ud") := .(
    number,number - threshold.numbers,number + threshold.numbers,date,date - threshold.date,date + threshold.date)]
df2[,"ud") := .(
    other_number,other_number - threshold.numbers,other_number + threshold.numbers,date + threshold.date)]

#perform non-equi join using ctry,num,dates in both ways
res <- rbindlist(list(

#determine if cities are substrings of one and another
res[,city_match := {
    i <- mapply(grepl,city1)

#just like SQL coalesce (there is a version in dev in rdatatable github)
coalesce <- function(...) Reduce(function(x,y) fifelse(!is.na(y),y,x),list(...))

#for rows that are matching or no matches to be found
ans1 <- unique(res[(city_match),.(date=coalesce(date1,date2),city=coalesce(city1,city2),ctry=coalesce(ctry1,ctry2),other_col)])

#for rows that are close in terms of dates and numbers but are diff cities
ans2 <- res[(!city_match),.(date=c(.BY$date1,.BY$date2),city=c(.BY$city1,.BY$city2),ctry=c(.BY$ctry1,.BY$ctry2),number=c(.BY$number,NA),col=c(.BY$col,other_number=c(NA,.BY$other_number),other_col=c(NA,.BY$other_col)),names(res)][,seq_along(names(res)) := NULL]

#final desired output


          date        city        ctry number      col other_number other_col
 1: 1999-02-24        Rome       Italy     40   banana           NA      <NA>
 2: 1999-02-24        Rome       Italy     NA     <NA>           45       red
 3: 1999-03-14      Warsaw      Poland     NA     <NA>          780      blue
 4: 1999-03-16      Warsaw      Poland     70    apple           NA      <NA>
 5: 1999-06-12  East-Paris      France     20   banana           17     green
 6: 1999-06-29  Copenhagen     Denmark     60 cucumber           61    orange
 7: 1999-07-16      Moscow      Russia     80    peach           NA      <NA>
 8: 1999-07-17      Moscow      Russia     NA     <NA>           85       red
 9: 2000-01-29       Tunis     Tunisia     NA     <NA>           90     black
10: 2000-08-29      London          UK     30     pear           NA      <NA>
11: 2000-08-29 near London          UK     NA     <NA>         3100      blue
12: 2001-04-17        Bern Switzerland     50    lemon           NA      <NA>
13: 2001-04-17      Zurich Switzerland     NA     <NA>           51    purple
14: 2001-08-29       Tunis     Tunisia     90   cherry           NA      <NA>
15: 2002-07-01      Vienna     Austria     NA     <NA>          101     beige
16: 2002-07-30      Vienna     Austria    100   cherry           NA      <NA>
17: 2003-08-29      Berlin     Germany     10    apple           13    yellow






  • final.col.name:最终表中我们想要的列的名称
  • col.name.1df1中的列名
  • col.name.2df2中的列名
  • exact:布尔值;我们应该在此列上进行完全匹配吗?
  • threshold:阈值(如果我们不进行精确匹配)
  • match.function:一个返回行是否匹配的函数(对于特殊情况,例如使用grepl进行字符串匹配;请注意,此函数必须被向量化)
merge.criteria = list(
  list(final.col.name = "date",col.name.1 = "date",col.name.2 = "date",exact = F,threshold = 5),list(final.col.name = "city",col.name.1 = "city",col.name.2 = "city",match.function = function(x,y) {
         return(mapply(grepl,x,y) |
       }),list(final.col.name = "ctry",col.name.1 = "ctry",col.name.2 = "ctry",exact = T),list(final.col.name = "number",col.name.1 = "number",col.name.2 = "other_number",threshold = 3)



  1. 遍历匹配条件并确定哪些行对符合或不符合所有条件。 (受@GKi的答案启发,它使用行索引而不是执行完整的外部联接,这对于大型数据集而言可能不那么占用大量内存。)
  2. 仅用所需的行创建骨架数据框(在匹配的情况下合并行,在不匹配的记录中合并行)。
  3. 遍历原始数据帧的列,并使用它们填充新数据帧中的所需列。 (首先对匹配条件中出现的列进行此操作,然后对剩下的任何其他列进行此操作。)
merge.data.frames = function(df1,merge.criteria) {
  # Create a data frame with all possible pairs of rows from df1 and rows from
  # df2.
  row.decisions = expand.grid(df1.row = 1:nrow(df1),df2.row = 1:nrow(df2))
  # Iterate over the criteria in merge.criteria.  For each criterion,flag row
  # pairs that don't meet the criterion.
  row.decisions$merge = T
  for(criterion in merge.criteria) {
    # If we're looking for an exact match,test for equality.
    if(criterion$exact) {
      row.decisions$merge = row.decisions$merge &
        df1[row.decisions$df1.row,criterion$col.name.1] == df2[row.decisions$df2.row,criterion$col.name.2]
    # If we're doing a threshhold test,test for difference.
    else if(!is.null(criterion$threshold)) {
      row.decisions$merge = row.decisions$merge &
        abs(df1[row.decisions$df1.row,criterion$col.name.1] - df2[row.decisions$df2.row,criterion$col.name.2]) <= criterion$threshold
    # If the user provided a function,use that.
    else if(!is.null(criterion$match.function)) {
      row.decisions$merge = row.decisions$merge &
  # Create the new dataframe.  Just row numbers of the source dfs to start.
  new.df = bind_rows(
    # Merged rows.
    row.decisions %>% filter(merge) %>% select(-merge),# Rows from df1 only.
    row.decisions %>% group_by(df1.row) %>% summarize(matches = sum(merge)) %>% filter(matches == 0) %>% select(df1.row),# Rows from df2 only.
    row.decisions %>% group_by(df2.row) %>% summarize(matches = sum(merge)) %>% filter(matches == 0) %>% select(df2.row)
  # Iterate over the merge criteria and add columns that were used for matching
  # (from df1 if available; otherwise from df2).
  for(criterion in merge.criteria) {
    new.df[criterion$final.col.name] = coalesce(df1[new.df$df1.row,df2[new.df$df2.row,criterion$col.name.2])
  # Now add all the columns from either data frame that weren't used for
  # matching.
  for(other.col in setdiff(colnames(df1),sapply(merge.criteria,function(x) x$col.name.1))) {
    new.df[other.col] = df1[new.df$df1.row,other.col]
  for(other.col in setdiff(colnames(df2),function(x) x$col.name.2))) {
    new.df[other.col] = df2[new.df$df2.row,other.col]
  # Return the result.


df = merge.data.frames(df1,merge.criteria)
