



 include c:\asmio\asm32.inc
 includelib c:\asmio\asm32.lib
 includelib c:\asmio\user32.lib
 includelib c:\asmio\kernel32.lib

 ; Proc name: Sum,Par-1: Pointer to array,Par-2: Array size
Sum proto pA: PTR dword,sz: dword 
 ; ------------------------------------------------------------

 NULL = 0
 SIX = 6
 ; -----------------------------------
 .data ; Data section

 number dword 10 dup(?) ; Array not initialized 
 Min dword 5
 Max dword 37
 msgC byte "Array cells: ",NULL 
 msgB byte "  ",NULL
 msgA byte "Sum: ",NULL
 ; -------------------------------------------------------------
 main proc
 call randomize

mov ecx,10 ; Sets the loop count
mov esi,OFFSET number 
Next: mov eax,Max ; Loop starts here
 sub eax,Min ; EAX = 37 - 5
 call RandomRange ; generate 0 -> 32
 add eax,Min ; shifted: 5 -> 
 mov [esi],eax ; Copies value to pointer location
add esi,TYPE dword ; Move pointer to next cell
 loop Next 

 mov edx,OFFSET msgC ; Address of string must be in EDX
call WriteString ; Display string = cout in C++ 

mov ecx,10 ; Must be ECX. Set to loop 10 times
mov esi,OFFSET number ; esi -> Array 

Parr: mov eax,[esi] ; Copy cell to EAX
 call WriteDec ; only positive numbers
 mov edx,OFFSET msgB ; Print blank
 call WriteString
 add esi,TYPE dword ; Advance pointer
 loop Parr ; Repeat until ECX is zero 

mov edx,OFFSET msgA ; 
 call WriteString
 invoke Sum,number,LENGTHOF number

 ret 0 ; Must return 0 in ASM 
 main endp ; Ends the main procedure

  Sum proc uses ecx esi,pArray: PTR dword,Asz: dword
 mov eax,0 ; EAX will keep sum,must set sum = 0
 mov ecx,Asz ; Array size,number of times to loop
 mov esi,pArray ; esi -> Array

 L1: add eax,esi
 add esi,TYPE dword
 loop L1 ; Label to branch back to. 

        call WriteString

Sum endp 

 end main ; Ends the whole program

我写了“ Invoke Sum,number,LENGTHOF number”后,如何打印eax的内容?

c17789642 回答:如何在程序集x86中打印EAX的内容

