
我正在用C编写操作系统。我有一个使用结构的基本文件系统。我正在编写命令行,并且想要一个函数来创建一个新文件。我已经设置了一个,但是没有用。该结构初始化良好,但未将其添加到该文件夹​​中。 每个文件都是以下file类型的结构:

typedef struct {
    char** content; // Address of the text in the file
    char* name;     // Filename
    size_t size;    // Included from stddef.h - set by the function
} file;


typedef struct {
    file* files[256]; // The files in the directory
    char* name;       // The directory name
    size_t index;     // The index of the next file - basically the length of the files array - starts at 0
} dir;


void new(dir* folder,char* name,char* content) { 
    // Folder is a dir* so we can modify the actual struct,not a copy
    file f;
    f.name = name;
    f.content = &content;
    folder -> files[folder -> index] = &f;
    folder -> index++;




void new(char* name,char* content,dir* folder) {
    file new = new_file(name,content);


void add_file(dir* folder,file f) {
    folder -> files[folder -> dirnum] = f;
    folder -> dirnum++;


char* read(dir* folder,char* name) {
    file f = find_file(*folder,name);
    return f.content;


file find_file(folder,name) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < folder.filenum; i++) {
        file f = *folder.files[i];
        if (strcmp(f.name,name,'\0')) {
            return f;

对源代码进行一些修改后,会出现以下错误。 当您运行时(在命令行中):

new hi file // Same as new("hi","file",&root)
open hi // Same as read(&root,"hi")

输出为open hi

当我运行new函数时,folder.files[0]存在。但是,folder.files[0] -> name等于g→。知道为什么吗?

susanlixinyu 回答:C在结构中修改数组


void new(dir* folder,char* name,char* content) { 
// Folder is a dir* so we can modify the actual struct,not a copy
   file f;
   folder -> files[folder -> index] = &f;




  1. 最简单的方法是声明文件的全局数组并使用它们。 //仅用于测试其非常糟糕的主意,但足够容易地检查其是否可以解决问题。
  2. 正确的方法是使用malloc之类的方法分配内存,并在删除时释放它。


我使用了chans FATFS实现。这很容易理解。并有据可查。









#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define __PMAX__ 500

typedef struct __membin__ __membin__;
int freebin(__membin__ * bin);
void * _requestMem( size_t size );
void * __requestMem( size_t size );
void * ___requestMem( size_t size );

/* Memory Bin is membin */
__membin__ membin;
 * Use requestMem to request memory from membin.
 * Read the comments from main() to understand more 
 * about requestMem.
void * (*requestMem)(size_t) = &_requestMem;

 * Struct for memory bin
typedef struct __membin__ {
    void * mempage;
    intptr_t from;               /* <- memory page from: inclusive */
    intptr_t to;                 /* <- memory page to: inclusive */

    intptr_t pointer[__PMAX__];  /* <- Pointers */
    intptr_t pTo[__PMAX__];      /* <- Address to for pointer: inclusive */    
    size_t pUsed;                /* <- Pointer used */

    size_t size;                 /* <- Actual size */
    size_t sUsed;                /* <- Size Used */
} __membin__;

/* Free the memory bin */
int freebin(__membin__ * bin){
    int code = munmap(bin->mempage,bin->size);
    if ( code == 0 ){
        bin->size = 0;
    return code;

 * This function initialize the memory bin.
 * This function use mmap to allocate a large memory block with the 
 * size of sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) * 20. That memory block is converted
 * to a void pointer then assigned to membin->mempage.
 * Initial size of membin can be configured to be larger.
int membinInit(__membin__ * bin){
    size_t initSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) * 20;
    bin->mempage = (void *)mmap(NULL,initSize,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_ANON|MAP_PRIVATE,-1,0);

    if (bin->mempage == MAP_FAILED) return 1;  

    bin->from = (intptr_t) bin->mempage;
    bin->to = bin->from + (intptr_t) initSize - 1;

    bin->pUsed = 0;
    bin->size = initSize;
    bin->sUsed = 0;

    return 0;

 * On first run,requestMem is assigned to this function _requestMem.
 * After this function initialize the memory bin successfully it will 
 * assign requestMem to be a pointer of function __requestMem. 
 * On unsuccessful case of membin initialization,requestMem will be a 
 * pointer to the ___requestMem function that always return null.
void * _requestMem( size_t size ){
    int code = membinInit(&membin);
    if ( code == 1 ) {
        requestMem = &___requestMem;
        return NULL;

    requestMem = &__requestMem;
    return __requestMem(size);

 * __requestMem is a function that will get a block of memory from the
 * unused portion of memory of membin->mempage. 
 * If the requested size is larger than what available in membin then 
 * NULL will be returned. 
 * If the requested size is 0 then a value NULL will also be returned.
void * __requestMem( size_t size ){
    size_t new_sUsed = size + membin.sUsed;
    if ( size == 0 
         || new_sUsed > membin.size 
         || membin.pUsed >= __PMAX__ ) return NULL;

    intptr_t p = membin.from + membin.sUsed;

    membin.pointer[membin.pUsed] = p;
    membin.pTo[membin.pUsed] = p + size - 1;

    membin.sUsed = new_sUsed;

    return (void * ) p;

 * This function will always return NULL.
 * This function name can be changed to NULL returned function.
void * ___requestMem( size_t size ){
    return NULL;

typedef struct {
    char * content; // Address of the text in the file
    char * name;    // Filename
    size_t size;    // Included from stddef.h - set by the function
} file;

typedef struct {
    file * files[256]; // The files in the directory
    char * name;       // The directory name
    size_t index;      // The index of the next file - basically the length of the files array - starts at 0
} dir;

void new_file(dir* folder,char* content);
void add_file(dir* folder,file * f);
char* read2(dir* folder,char* name);
file * find_file(dir * folder,char * name);

void new_file(dir* folder,char * name,char * content){ 
    // Folder is a dir * so we can modify the actual struct,not a copy   
     * Using requestMem to request a block of memory from membin for f.
    file * f = (file * ) requestMem(sizeof(file));
    f->name = name;
    f->content = content;
    folder->files[folder->index] = f;

void add_file(dir* folder,file * f) {
    folder->files[folder->index] = f;

char * read2(dir * folder,char* name) {
    file * f = find_file(folder,name);
    if ( f != NULL ) return f->content;
    else return NULL;

file * find_file(dir * folder,char * name) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < folder->index; i++) {
        if (strcmp(folder->files[i]->name,name) == 0 ) {
            return folder->files[i];

    return NULL;

int main(void) {

    /* Testing membin */
    char * s = requestMem( sizeof(char) * 15 );
    char * s2 = requestMem( sizeof(char) * 24 );

    /* Check for membin size */
    printf("membin size : %zu bytes \n\n",membin.size);
    /* checking if the pointer address of s is equal to the pointer of
     * membin.pointer[0]. They should be equal.
     * membin.pTo[0] should be the last memory address for s. Of which should
     * be s' address + s' size - 1.
    printf("pointer s: %lld,membin.pointer[0]: %lld,membin.pTo[0]: %lld \n\n",(long long)s,(long long) membin.pointer[0],(long long)membin.pTo[0]);
    /* checking if the pointer address of s2 is equal to the pointer of
     * membin.pointer[1]. They should be equal. Also s2 pointer 
     * should be the value of membin.pTo[0] + 1.
     * membin.pTo[1] should be the last memory address for s2. Of which should
     * be s2's address + s2's size - 1.
    printf("pointer s2: %lld,membin.pointer[1]: %lld,membin.pTo[1]: %lld \n\n",(long long)s2,(long long)membin.pointer[1],(long long)membin.pTo[1]);
     * If requestMem worked correctly,when membin is not yet initialized
     * requestMem will have same address of _requestMem.
     * If after first run sucessful and membin is initialized requestMem
     * will have the same address as __requestMem.
     * If initialize of membin fail,requestMem will have the
     * same address as ___requestMem.
    printf("requestMem:    %p\
          \n_requestMem:   %p\
          \n__requestMem:  %p\
          \n___requestMem: %p\

    /* File Testing */
    dir root;
    root.name = "root";
    root.index = 0;

    new_file(&root,"Hi","I am the content.");

    file * foundFile = find_file(&root,"Hi");
    if ( foundFile != NULL ){
      printf("Found the file:\n");
      printf("Name: %s\n",foundFile->name);
      printf("Content: %s\n\n",foundFile->content);
    /* End File Testing*/

    /* Add all the sizes together to see if the size used in membin is right.*/
    printf("Size of struct file: %zu bytes\n",sizeof(file));    
    printf("membin sUsed: %zu bytes\n",membin.sUsed);

     * Only free bin when everything is finished,because this code is an example,* it did not contain a reinitialize code.
    freebin( &membin );
    /* membin size should be a value of after using freebin */
    printf("membin size after freed: %zu",membin.size);

    return 0;




#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
  char ** c;

} __test__;

__test__ test;

void fb (char * input );

void fa (char * input,int opt){
    if ( opt == 1 ) return;

void fb ( char * input ){
    test.c = &input;

int main(void) {
    /* Test running this more than 10x and tell me what you think*/
    fa("This should not change c",1);
    fa("This should also not change c but for some reason sometimes c become null",1);


    char * str = "Hello2"; 
    fa("On some system c will show weird result on some this work perfectly fine. I guess the pointer\
        to the address of str get reset sometimes. Or is it the pointer to the parameter of fb getting reset? Or is it because the 'pointer to pointer' is a local address?",1);
