

const images = {
  cafe: require('../../../assets/icons/cafe.png'),// .. other images here


<Image source={images[this.state.type]} />


Other lines...
microsoft .NET Core SDK 2.1.801 (x64)
microsoft .NET CoreRuntime For CoreCon
microsoft .NET CoreRuntime SDK
microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Targeting Pack (enu)
microsoft .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack
microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Multi-Targeting Pack
microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 Multi-Targeting Pack
microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 Multi-Targeting Pack (ENU)
microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 SDK
microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Multi-Targeting Pack
microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Multi-Targeting Pack (ENU)
microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 Targeting Pack
microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Targeting Pack
microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 Doc Redirected Targeting Pack (ENU)
microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 Targeting Pack
microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 SDK
microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 Targeting Pack
microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 Targeting Pack (ENU)
microsoft .NET Framework Cumulative Intellisense Pack for Visual Studio (ENU)
microsoft .NET Native SDK
Windows Desktop SDK



W520990 回答:Powershell-剪切,合并和简化文件中的行


$hash = [collections.arraylist]@()
[collections.arraylist]$out = switch -regex -file file.txt {
    'Microsoft .NET Framework (\d[\d\.]*)' {
        if ($hash -notcontains "[$($Matches[1])]") {
            [void]$hash.Add(("[{0}]" -f $Matches[1])) }
    default { $_ }
$out,("Microsoft .NET Framework {0}" -f "$hash")


$hash = [collections.arraylist]@()
$firstIndex = 0
$data = Get-Content file.txt
[collections.arraylist]$out = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $data.count; $i++) {
    if ($data[$i] -match 'Microsoft .NET Framework (\d[\d\.]*)') {
        if (!$firstIndex) {
            $firstIndex = $i
        if ($hash -notcontains "[$($Matches[1])]") {
            [void]$hash.Add(("[{0}]" -f $Matches[1]))
    else {

$out.Insert($firstIndex,("Microsoft .NET Framework {0}" -f "$hash"))    


# read the file as string array
$lines = Get-Content -Path 'file.txt'
# create a regex string to capture the prefix and version
$regex    = '^(?<prefix>Microsoft \.NET Framework\s*)(?<version>[\d\.]+)'
$versions = @()
$count    = 0
$index    = -1

$result = $lines | ForEach-Object {
    if ($_ -match $regex) {
        if ($index -lt 0) {
            # remember the index of this line
            $index = $count
            # output just the prefix for now,we will add the versions to it later
        # store the version in an array
        $versions += $matches['version']
    else { $_ ; $count++}  # no match,simply output the line and increase $count


$result[$index] += ($versions | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object { '[{0}]' -f $_ }) -join ' '


Other lines...
Microsoft .NET Core SDK 2.1.801 (x64)
Microsoft .NET CoreRuntime For CoreCon
Microsoft .NET CoreRuntime SDK
Microsoft .NET Framework [3.5] [4] [4.5] [4.5.1] [4.5.2] [4.6] [4.6.1] [4.7.1] [4.7.2]
Microsoft .NET Framework Cumulative Intellisense Pack for Visual Studio (ENU)
Microsoft .NET Native SDK
Windows Desktop SDK


如果要删除以Microsoft .NET开头的所有其他行,请将上面的代码更改为:

# read the file as string array
$lines = Get-Content -Path 'file.txt'
# create a regex string to capture the prefix and version
$regex    = '^(?<prefix>Microsoft \.NET Framework\s*)(?<version>[\d\.]+)'
$versions = @()
$count    = 0
$index    = -1

$result = $lines | ForEach-Object {
    if ($_ -match $regex) {
        if ($index -lt 0) {
            # remember the index of this line
            $index = $count
            # output just the prefix for now,we will add the versions to it later
        # store the version in an array
        $versions += $matches['version']
    elseif ($_ -notlike 'Microsoft .NET*') { 
        # no match,output the line and increase $count if it does not start with "Microsoft .NET"

$result[$index] += ($versions | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object { '[{0}]' -f $_ }) -join ' '

# output on screen
Other lines...
Microsoft .NET Framework [3.5] [4] [4.5] [4.5.1] [4.5.2] [4.6] [4.6.1] [4.7.1] [4.7.2]
Windows Desktop SDK
