
  1. 我分别生成了JHipster应用程序前端和后端。 jhipster-跳过客户端 jhipster --skip-server --db = sql --auth = jwt

  2. 将jdl文件导入到前端和后端。 jhipster import-jdl 21poindt.jh --skip-client jhipster import-jdl 21points.jh --skip-server

  3. 后端和前端运行没有错误。

  4. 生成的实体的CRUD功能正常工作,但搜索字段丢失

  5. 当我使用相同的jdl文件生成JHipster,并且后端和前端一起生成时,搜索字段将按预期显示。


entity Points {
    date LocalDate required,exercise Integer,meals Integer,alcohol Integer,notes String maxlength(140)

entity Weight {
    timestamp ZonedDateTime required,weight Double required

entity BloodPressure {
    timestamp ZonedDateTime required,systolic Integer required,diastolic Integer required

entity Preferences {
    weeklygoal Integer required min(10) max(21),weightUnits Units required

enum Units {

relationship OneToOne {
    Preferences{user(login)} to User

relationship ManyToOne {
    BloodPressure{user(login)} to User,Weight{user(login)} to User,Points{user(login)} to User

// Set pagination options
paginate BloodPressure,Weight with infinite-scroll
paginate Points with pagination

// Use Data Transfert Objects (DTO)
dto * with mapstruct

// Set service options to all except few
service all with serviceImpl

filter Points
YSYQQ 回答:JHipster中缺少搜索字段

@JonRuddell当我使用--skip-server生成JHipster前端时,没有人问过Elasticsearch。在您发表评论后,我向.yo-rc.json添加了“ searchEngine”:“ elasticsearch”并重新生成了应用程序。现在它显示搜索字段。谢谢

