在 Java 中实现 Kruskal 算法的联合查找算法以找到最小生成树

我正在尝试解决以下 Leetcode 问题 (https://leetcode.com/problems/connecting-cities-with-minimum-cost),我的方法是使用 Kruskal 算法使用 Union-Find 从输入图中找出最小生成树 (MST) 的总权重数据结构。但是,我的代码在线通过了51/63的测试用例,在下面的测试用例中返回了错误的结果,由于输入图太大,这太难调试了。


我无法理解为什么我的代码会在测试用例中失败,因为我相信我正在正确地实施 Kruskal 算法的步骤:

  1. 按权重的递增顺序对连接进行排序。
  2. 通过遍历排序列表中的每个连接并选择该连接(如果它不会导致 MST 中的循环)来构建 MST。

以下是我的 Java 代码:

class UnionFind {
    // parents[i] = parent node of node i.
    // If a node is the root node of a component,we define its parent
    // to be itself.
    int[] parents;
    public UnionFind(int n) {
        this.parents = new int[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            this.parents[i] = i;
    // Merges two nodes into the same component.
    public void union(int node1,int node2) {
        int node1Component = find(node1);
        int node2Component = find(node2);
        this.parents[node1Component] = node2Component;
    // Returns the component that a node is in.
    public int find(int node) {
        while (this.parents[node] != node) {
            node = this.parents[node];
        return node;

class Solution {
    public int minimumCost(int n,int[][] connections) {
        UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(n + 1);
        // Sort edges by increasing cost.
        Arrays.sort(connections,new Comparator<int[]>() {
            public int compare(final int[] a1,final int[] a2) {
                return a1[2] - a2[2];
        int edgeCount = 0;
        int connectionIndex = 0;
        int weight = 0;
        // Greedy algorithm: Choose the edge with the smallest weight 
        // which does not form a cycle. We know that an edge between 
        // two nodes will result in a cycle if those nodes are already 
        // in the same component.
        for (int i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) {
            int[] connection = connections[i];
            int nodeAComponent = uf.find(connection[0]);
            int nodeBComponent = uf.find(connection[1]);
            if (nodeAComponent != nodeBComponent) {
                weight += connection[2];
            if (edgeCount == n - 1) {
        // MST,by definition,must have (n - 1) edges.
        if (edgeCount == n - 1) {
            return weight;
        return -1;
yyb4051 回答:在 Java 中实现 Kruskal 算法的联合查找算法以找到最小生成树

正如@geobreze 所说,我忘记将节点 A 和节点 B 的组件(不相交集)联合起来。以下是更正后的代码:

if (nodeAComponent != nodeBComponent) {
    weight += connection[2];
