
我每天有一条公交线路的数据集,有 32 辆公交车和两条 route_direction(0,1),第一个方向有 18 个车站,每个车站的 seq 从 1 到 18,另一个方向有 15 个车站,seq( 1-15)并记录进入/退出每个站点的时间。 每条记录包含 bus_id、route_direction、station_seq、in_time、out_time、station_id。 enter image description here

route_id    route_direction bus_id  station_seq schdeule_date   in_time out_time

0   59  1   1349508393  2   2021-01-01  05:04:31    05:04:58

1   59  1   1349508393  2   2021-01-01  05:04:27    05:04:58

2   59  1   1349508393  2   2021-01-01  05:04:31    05:06:31

3   59  1   1349508393  2   2021-01-01  05:04:27    05:06:31

4   59  1   1349508393  1   2021-01-01  05:00:35    05:00:56


grouped = df.groupby(['bus_id','route_direction'])

我在这张图片中得到了类似的信息enter image description here

index   route_id    route_direction bus_id  station_seq schdeule_date   in_time out_time

654 59  0   1349508329  1   2021-01-01  NaN 06:34:10

663 59  0   1349508329  2   2021-01-01  06:33:34    06:34:04

664 59  0   1349508329  2   2021-01-01  06:33:33    06:34:04

677 59  0   1349508329  2   2021-01-01  06:33:34    06:35:34

678 59  0   1349508329  2   2021-01-01  06:33:33    06:35:34

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12133   59  0   1349508329  12  2021-01-01  NaN NaN

如您所见,在几乎相同的日期和时间,在同一站的入口出口处也有相同的 bus_id 重复: 我试过删除重复项,但没有成功:

df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['bus_id','route_direction','station_seq','station_id','in_time'],keep='first').reset_index(drop=True)

在 in_time 或 out_time 中也有一些 NaN 值,所以如果我放弃了,那么我可能会错过公交线路沿线车站之一的记录。

在一次旅行中对每条公交车记录进行分组以给出 ID 有什么帮助,在这种情况下我如何删除重复的记录(输入时间略有不同)? 任何帮助将不胜感激。

vancehgame 回答:如何将公交车进出站记录汇总到行程中以给出唯一ID,并删除时间差较小的重复记录?

  1. sort_values with 'bus_id' 和 'in_time'
  2. groupby 'bus_id',对于每个 bus_id,计算每条记录与其上一条记录的时间差
  3. 如果 time-diff 小于 60s,则标记为 0,否则标记为 1,以便设置某些组忽略 time-diff
  4. 在标签上使用 cumsum 来创建 grouptag
  5. groupby grouptag,对于每个 grouptag 保持 min(in_time) 和 max(out_time)
# convert the in_time to dateTime first,then sorted the values
df['in_time_t'] = pd.to_datetime(df['schdeule_date'] + ' ' + df['in_time'])

# calculate the time difference for every bus_id
df['t_diff'] = df.groupby('bus_id')['in_time_t'].diff()

# set group_tag
cond = df['t_diff'].dt.seconds < 60
df['tag'] = np.where(cond,1).cumsum()

# for every grouptag keep min(in_time) and max(out_time)
df_result = df.groupby(['route_id','route_direction','bus_id','station_seq','schdeule_date','tag']).agg({'in_time':'min','out_time':'max'}).reset_index()
        route_id    route_direction bus_id  station_seq schdeule_date   in_time out_time
    0   59  1   1349508393  2   2021-01-01  05:04:31    05:04:58
    1   59  1   1349508393  2   2021-01-01  05:04:27    05:04:58
    2   59  1   1349508393  2   2021-01-01  05:04:31    05:06:31
    3   59  1   1349508393  2   2021-01-01  05:04:27    05:06:31
    4   59  1   1349508393  1   2021-01-01  05:00:35    05:00:56
    654 59  0   1349508329  1   2021-01-01  NaN 06:34:10
    663 59  0   1349508329  2   2021-01-01  06:33:34    06:34:04
    664 59  0   1349508329  2   2021-01-01  06:33:33    06:34:04
    677 59  0   1349508329  2   2021-01-01  06:33:34    06:35:34
    678 59  0   1349508329  2   2021-01-01  06:33:33    06:35:34
    12133   59  0   1349508329  12  2021-01-01  NaN NaN

        route_id    route_direction bus_id  station_seq schdeule_date   tag in_time out_time
    0   59  0   1349508329  1   2021-01-01  2   NaN 06:34:10
    1   59  0   1349508329  2   2021-01-01  1   06:33:33    06:35:34
    2   59  0   1349508329  12  2021-01-01  3   NaN NaN
    3   59  1   1349508393  1   2021-01-01  4   05:00:35    05:00:56
    4   59  1   1349508393  2   2021-01-01  5   05:04:27    05:06:31

df with tag
|       |   route_id |   route_direction |     bus_id |   station_seq | schdeule_date   | in_time   | out_time   | in_time_t           | t_diff          |   tag |
|   664 |         59 |                 0 | 1349508329 |             2 | 2021-01-01      | 06:33:33  | 06:34:04   | 2021-01-01 06:33:33 | NaT             |     1 |
|   678 |         59 |                 0 | 1349508329 |             2 | 2021-01-01      | 06:33:33  | 06:35:34   | 2021-01-01 06:33:33 | 0 days 00:00:00 |     1 |
|   663 |         59 |                 0 | 1349508329 |             2 | 2021-01-01      | 06:33:34  | 06:34:04   | 2021-01-01 06:33:34 | 0 days 00:00:01 |     1 |
|   677 |         59 |                 0 | 1349508329 |             2 | 2021-01-01      | 06:33:34  | 06:35:34   | 2021-01-01 06:33:34 | 0 days 00:00:00 |     1 |
|   654 |         59 |                 0 | 1349508329 |             1 | 2021-01-01      | nan       | 06:34:10   | NaT                 | NaT             |     2 |
| 12133 |         59 |                 0 | 1349508329 |            12 | 2021-01-01      | nan       | nan        | NaT                 | NaT             |     3 |
|     4 |         59 |                 1 | 1349508393 |             1 | 2021-01-01      | 05:00:35  | 05:00:56   | 2021-01-01 05:00:35 | NaT             |     4 |
|     1 |         59 |                 1 | 1349508393 |             2 | 2021-01-01      | 05:04:27  | 05:04:58   | 2021-01-01 05:04:27 | 0 days 00:03:52 |     5 |
|     3 |         59 |                 1 | 1349508393 |             2 | 2021-01-01      | 05:04:27  | 05:06:31   | 2021-01-01 05:04:27 | 0 days 00:00:00 |     5 |
|     0 |         59 |                 1 | 1349508393 |             2 | 2021-01-01      | 05:04:31  | 05:04:58   | 2021-01-01 05:04:31 | 0 days 00:00:04 |     5 |
|     2 |         59 |                 1 | 1349508393 |             2 | 2021-01-01      | 05:04:31  | 05:06:31   | 2021-01-01 05:04:31 | 0 days 00:00:00 |     5 |

