

我希望输入数组很大(256 到 4096 个元素)并且值很小(3 到 5 位)。另外,我希望数组是稀疏的,即很多小值和很少的大值。



implicit class reduceTreeOp[A](seq: Seq[A]) {
  def reduceTree[B >: A](op: (B,B) => B): B = {
    if(seq.length == 0)
      throw new NoSuchElementException("cannot reduce empty Seq")
    var rseq: Seq[B] = seq
    while(rseq.length != 1)
      rseq = rseq.grouped(2).toSeq
        .map(s => if(s.length == 1) s(0) else op(s(0),s(1)))
val (value,index) = array
  .map{case (v,i) => (v,i.U)}
  .reduceTree[(UInt,UInt)]{case ((val1,idx1),(val2,idx2)) =>
    val is1 = val1 >= idx2
    ( Mux(is1,val1,idx2),Mux(is1,idx1,idx2))

FWIW 这是为 7nm 硬件设计的;虽然我怀疑这对我的问题是否真的很重要。

tanichos 回答:什么是在数组中找到最大值的低延迟硬件算法

这在 chisel3 中非常简单。结果在单个周期中返回的约束将导致生成一大堆硬件。仔细评估您在此处需要什么可能是个好主意。

尽管如此,这是一个有趣的问题,并且展示了 chisel 的一些威力。我提供了一个可运行的示例 Scastie example


import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
import chiseltest._
import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec
import treadle.extremaOfUIntOfWidth

/** write only memory that continuously outputs the first index of the highest value in an array and
  * that highest value. It works by building a evaluation network of highest values
  * It would be trivial to add ability to read the values in this memory
  * @param depth
  * @param bitWidth
class ArrayMax(val depth: Int,val bitWidth: Int) extends MultiIOModule {
  val writeEnable = IO(Input(Bool()))
  val writeAddress = IO(Input(UInt(log2Ceil(depth).W)))
  val writeData = IO(Input(UInt(bitWidth.W)))

  val maxValue = IO(Output(UInt(bitWidth.W)))
  val indexOfMaxValue = IO(Output(UInt(log2Ceil(depth).W)))

  val array = Reg(Vec(depth,UInt(bitWidth.W)))

  when(writeEnable) {
    array(writeAddress) := writeData

  val valuesAndIndices = array.zipWithIndex.map { case (value,index) => (value,index.U)}.toList

  // Look through the array pair wise and return the value and index of the higher of the pair
  def compareAdjacentValues(valuesAndIndices: Seq[(UInt,UInt)]): Seq[(UInt,UInt)] = {
    val pairs = valuesAndIndices.sliding(2,2)
    pairs.map {
      case (aValue,aIndex) :: (bValue,bIndex) :: Nil =>
        val (higherValue,higherIndex) = (Wire(UInt(bitWidth.W)),Wire(UInt(log2Ceil(depth).W)))

        when(aValue < bValue) {
          higherValue := bValue
          higherIndex := bIndex
        } otherwise {
          higherValue := aValue
          higherIndex := aIndex
      case (aValue,aIndex) :: Nil =>
      case a =>
        throw new Exception("Cannot get here,sliding should return list of size 1 or 2,$a")

  def reduceToOne(pairs: Seq[(UInt,UInt)]): (UInt,UInt) = {
    if(pairs.length == 1) {
    } else {

  val (highestValue,index) = reduceToOne(valuesAndIndices)

  maxValue := highestValue
  indexOfMaxValue := index

/** Pumps random values at random indices into the dut and buffer that models it
  * Checks to see that the first highest value (there can be multiple occurrences)
  * is returned and the first index where that value appears.
  * A simpler model might try to keep a record of the highest value in the array
  * but that will break down if that value is replaced by something lower
class ArrayMaxSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with ChiselScalatestTester {
  val rand = new scala.util.Random

  "should act like a little write only memory" in {
    test(new ArrayMax(depth = 256,bitWidth = 8)) { dut =>

      val testArray = Array.fill(dut.depth)(0)

      for(i <- 0 until dut.depth * 10) {
        val index = rand.nextInt(dut.depth)
        val newValue = rand.nextInt(extremaOfUIntOfWidth(dut.bitWidth)._2.toInt)
        testArray(index) = newValue





// VALUE_SPACE: number of possible values
val exists = WireDefault(VecInit(Seq.fill(VALUE_SPACE)(false.B)))
val index = Wire(Vec(VALUE_SPACE,UInt(log2ceil(array.length).W)))
index := DontCare

array.zipWithIndex.foreach{case (v,i) =>
  exists(v) := true.B
  index(v) := i.U

maxVal := VALUE_SPACE.U - PriorityEncoder(exists.reverse)
maxidx := PriorityMux(exists.reverse,index.reverse)

当使用具有 256 个 4 位元素的数组时,该算法使我在比较器树上获得了大约 2.5 倍的加速。然而,它使用了更多的区域,并且可能只有在可能值的数量非常少的情况下才有好处。

