

#version 330 core

uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 world;

layout(location = 0) in float height;

// vertex offset; position of vertex relative to the top left corner of square
const vec2 offset[6] = vec2[](
    vec2(0,0),// top left
    vec2(0,1),// bottom left
    vec2(1,// bottom right
    vec2(1,// bottom right
    vec2(0,// top left
    vec2(1,0)  // top right

void main() {
    // index of square
    int squareIndex = gl_VertexID / 6;
    // index of vertex within square
    int vertexIndex = gl_VertexID % 6;

    // xz position of vertex
    vec2 position = offset[vertexIndex] + vec2(squareIndex % LENGTH,squareIndex / LENGTH);

    gl_Position = projection * view * world * vec4(position.x,height,position.y,1.0f);


for(unsigned int xSquare = 0; xSquare < LENGTH; xSquare++) {
   for(unsigned int zSquare = 0; zSquare < LENGTH; zSquare++) {
      size_t squareIndex = zSquare * LENGTH + xSquare;
      unsigned int topLeft = squareIndex;
      unsigned int topRight = squareIndex + 1;
      unsigned int bottomLeft = squareIndex + LENGTH;
      unsigned int bottomRight = squareIndex + LENGTH + 1;
      elements[squareIndex] = topLeft;
      elements[squareIndex + 1] = bottomLeft;
      elements[squareIndex + 2] = bottomRight;
      elements[squareIndex + 3] = bottomRight;
      elements[squareIndex + 4] = topLeft;
      elements[squareIndex + 5] = topRight;

我已经使用qrenderdoc检查了顶点数据输入,并且高度已正确传递到顶点着色器。然而, the rendered output looks like this.



liwentao19931129 回答:使用gl_VertexID计算顶点(在网格内)的X和Z位置


int row = gl_VertexID / LENGTH;
int col = gl_VertexID % LENGTH;



unsigned int elementIndex = 0;
for(unsigned int zSquare = 0; zSquare < LENGTH - 1; zSquare++) {
   for(unsigned int xSquare = 0; xSquare < LENGTH - 1; xSquare++) {
      size_t vertexIndex = zSquare * LENGTH + xSquare;
      unsigned int topLeft = vertexIndex;
      unsigned int topRight = vertexIndex + 1;
      unsigned int bottomLeft = vertexIndex + LENGTH;
      unsigned int bottomRight = vertexIndex + LENGTH + 1;
      elements[elementIndex++] = topLeft;
      elements[elementIndex++] = bottomLeft;
      elements[elementIndex++] = bottomRight;
      elements[elementIndex++] = bottomRight;
      elements[elementIndex++] = topRight;
      elements[elementIndex++] = topLeft;


